友和YOHO X AlipayHK 專享優惠條款及細則

優惠資訊 /



2024年立減活動(只限線上):500減20 獎賞(「本推廣」)之條款及細則︰

1. 「2024年線上活動:500減20 獎賞」之推廣期為2024年4月1日至2024年4月30日 (包括首尾兩天) (「推廣期」)。
2. 在推廣期內, AlipayHK用戶於指定受理平台線上或商戶先掃碼領券,及單次付款淨值滿港幣500元或以上,可使用該港幣20元禮券一張並立減港幣20元。每位合資格客戶於推廣期內最多可使用港幣20元禮券1張。每張禮券只限換領後3日內適用,逾期失效並不獲補發。每位用戶於推廣期内只可換領1次。
3.於推廣期内,每日優惠名額先到先得,額滿即止。在任何情況下以AlipayHK APP的紀錄為準。優惠須視乎AlipayHK平台所反映的優惠名額使用情況而定。
5. 禮券不適用於透過AlipayHK應用程式作匯款、增值、派利是或轉賬(包括P2P)。未免疑慮,禮券不適用於任何補習、進修或訓練及/或慈善及/或保險繳費交易。
6. 成功獲得港幣20元禮券後,禮券則會在適用情況下經系統自動扣減。用戶須將AlipayHK 應用程式更新至最新版本,於AlipayHK 應用程式「首頁」點選「獎賞」,即可查看有關獎賞之詳情。AlipayHK於任何情況下均不會對用戶未能成功領取有關獎賞及/或遺失有關獎賞而負上任何責任。
7. 於適當情況下,本推廣下的禮券為基本獎賞。因應適用情況,每次交易僅限使用一張禮券。消費時禮券的使用次序如下:(i)基本獎賞可與一張優先獎賞(包括用戶特別獎賞)同時使用,但優先獎賞之使用為優先。如用戶賬戶內有多於一張優先獎賞,面額最大者優先使用。面額相同時,則最早到期者優先使用。禮券到期日相同時,則最早 領取的優先獎賞優先使用。(ii)於適當情況下,一張優先獎賞可與一張基本獎賞(包括迎新禮券、指定商戶印花禮券、平台通用禮券、政府消費券及限定付款方式禮券等)或可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)(包括推薦現有用戶獎賞)同時使用。在沒有任何可累積基本獎賞情況下,如賬戶內具備不同種類的基本獎賞,核銷先後順序為平台通用禮券優先,政府消費券次之,限定付款方式禮券最後核銷。如果用戶在賬戶裡有多於一張同種類的基本獎賞,金額最大的一張基本獎賞優先使用。面額相同時,則最早到期者優先使用。到期日相同時,則最早領取的基本獎賞優先使用。如用戶同時有基本獎賞及可累積基本獎賞,面額最大的一張基本獎賞及可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)中金額較大者先被使用。如一張基本獎賞與可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)的面額相同時,可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)優先使用。(iii) 各種禮券的使用方式受其相關條款及細則約束。禮券核銷一切以實際付款頁面為準。(iv) 如用戶要使用本推廣下的禮券,相關交易經扣減所有適用獎賞及優惠後的淨消費金额不得少於港幣1元,否則該獎賞將不適用於該交易。
8. 在禮券/獎賞的使用過程中,如果出現違反本條款及細則、違法、欺詐或濫用行為,我方將取消該用戶的優惠資格或其所獲之禮券/獎賞而毋須另行通知,並有權撤銷任何涉及違規行為的交易及向有關用戶追討損失。
9. 除非條款及細則另有説明,禮券/獎賞不可用於購買商戶現金券/禮券、預付卡、兌換現金及不可轉讓。如需退貨或退款,禮券所對應的金額將不作為退款款項,而相關禮券將不獲補發。
10. 本推廣將依香港特別行政區法例進行,如本推廣活動因受政府機關指令、遭受嚴重網絡攻擊、系統故障或因其他於我方控制外的情況,而無法順利進行,此種情況為不可抗力。我方毋須為因不可抗力造成的損害、損失、糾紛承擔任何責任。
11. 我方對商戶提供之產品及服務質素及供應量恕不負責。
12. 我方保留毋須事先通知的情況下更改、暫停或取消本推廣或修訂其條款及細則之酌情權, 我方恕不就任何更改、暫停或取消承擔任何責任,並對所有事宜及爭議保留最終決定權。
13. 如對上述有關螞蟻銀行及其服務或優惠的使用方法及詳情有任何問題,請致電螞蟻銀行客戶服務熱線2325 0303查詢。如對上述有關AlipayHK及其服務或優惠的使用方法及詳情有任何問題,請致電AlipayHK客戶服務熱線2245 3201查詢。
14. 本條款及細則受香港特別行政區法律規管,並按其詮釋。
15. 如本條款及細則的中、英文版有所差異,一概以中文版為準。

2024: Instalment 500-20 Online Reward (Only at Online Shop) Terms & Conditions
1. The“2024: 500-20 Online Reward” (“Promotion”) runs from 1 April 2024 to 30 April 2024 (both dates inclusive) (“Promotion Period”).
2. During the Promotion Period, all AlipayHK users can use the AlipayHK mobile app (“AlipayHK App”) to scan the QR code displayed on the designated marketing material upon a single net of HK$500 or above via AlipayHK APP after redeeming all applicable rewards and in accordance with Clause 5 below. Only one (1) HKD20 Coupon can be collected each month throught out the Promotion Period. Coupons are valid for 3 days upon redemption. Expired Coupons are invalid and will not be re-issued. Each user can only participate in this Promotion.
3.During the Promotion Period, quota is limited in quantity and on a first-come-first-served basis. The quota of Offer available as recorded in the system of AlipayHK shall prevail under any circumstances.
4. During the Promotion Period, each user may only participate in this Promotion once and receive such limited number of Rewards / Coupons as set out in the Terms and Conditions. For participating merchants (online shops), please refer to the materials displayed in the stores.
5. The Coupons may not be used for remittance, topping up, sending of Lucky Money or transfers (including P2P). For the avoidance of doubt, the Coupons are not applicable to bill payment transactions made for tutoring, learning and training, charity and insurance.
6. Upon successful redemption of the HKD20 coupon, this will be disbursed to the AlipayHK App account of Eligible User automatically. Coupons will be deducted automatically in applicable circumstances. The AlipayHK App must be updated to the latest version. Users may go to the “Home” page and select “Reward” to read details of the respective Coupons. AlipayHK shall bear no liability if users cannot perform a successful redemption of the relevant rewards and/or the relevant reward is lost due to any circumstances.
7. Where applicable, the Coupons issued under this Promotion are Basic Rewards. Only one (1) Coupon may be used in each transaction, depending on the applicable circumstances. The usage priority of Coupon is as follows:
(i) Basic Rewards may be used in conjunction with one (1) Priority Reward (including User Special Reward), but Priority Reward shall have priority in usage. If there are more than one Priority Reward in the user’s AlipayHK account, the Priority Reward with the highest value will be used first. In case the Priority Rewards are of the same value, the one with the earliest expiry date will be used. If the expiry dates of the Priority Rewards are the same, the Priority Reward with the earliest redemption date will be used first.
(ii) One (1) Priority Reward may be used in conjunction with one (1) Basic Reward (including welcome rewards, designated merchant e-stamp coupons, Platform General Coupons, Government Consumption Vouchers and Limited Payment Method coupons) or Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons) (including rewards for referring existing users) in applicable circumstances. If the user does not have any Accumulative Basic Rewards, and there are various kinds of Basic Rewards in the user’s account, Platform General Coupons shall have priority in usage, Government Consumption Vouchers second and Limited Payment Method Coupons shall have last priority. If the user has more than one kind of Basic Reward in its AlipayHK account, the Basic Reward with the highest value will be used first. In case the Basic Rewards are of the same value, the one with the earliest expiry date will be used. If the expiry dates of the Basic Rewards are the same, the Basic Reward with the earliest redemption date will be used first. If the user has both Basic Reward and Accumulative Basic Reward, the priority of using such coupons will be determined by (i) the value of one (1) such Basic Reward (highest value) and (ii) the aggregate value of the Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons), and the coupon(s) with the highest value between (i) and (ii) will be used first. In case of same value between (i) and (ii), Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons) will be used.
(iii) The use of different types of coupons are subject to their respective terms and conditions. The actual payment page shall prevail.
(iv) If an Eligible User wishes to use the Coupon(s) issued under this Promotion in a transaction, the net amount of the relevant transaction after deducting the amount of all applicable reward(s) and discounts shall not be less than HK$1, otherwise the Coupons(s) are not applicable to be used in such transaction.
8. If there is any breach of the Terms and Conditions or illegal, fraudulent or abusive behavior during the use of any Coupons/Rewards, we will forfeit such user’s eligibility and entitlement of Coupons/Rewards forthwith without notice, we reserve the right to cancel such transaction and to take legal action against the relevant user.
9. Unless specified otherwise, Coupons/Rewards cannot be used to purchase cash vouchers, gift vouchers, or prepaid cards. They are also non-exchangeable for cash and non-transferable. For goods return or refund, the amount on the Coupons will not be returned and the relevant Coupon will not be re-issued.
10. This Promotion will be carried out in accordance with applicable laws in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In the event this Promotion is stopped by government agency’s orders or must be suspended due to server network attack or system failure or any circumstances beyond our control, such event shall be regarded as a force majeure event, and we shall not be held liable for any damage, loss or dispute therein.
11. We shall not be liable or construed as providing any guarantee as to the quality and availability of the products and/or service provided by merchants.
12. We reserve the right to change, suspend or terminate the Promotion or the Terms and Conditions at its sole discretion without prior notice. We shall not be liable for any such change, suspension or termination and reserves the right of final decision of all the matters and disputes.
13. For any enquiries in relation to Ant Bank services or offers, please call the Ant Bank customer service hotline at 2325 0303. For any enquiries in relation to AlipayHK App and its services or offers, please call the AlipayHK customer service hotline at 2245 3201.
14. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
15. Should there be any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and the Chinese versions of the Terms and Conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

2024年分期活動(只限線上):1000減50 獎賞(「本推廣」)之條款及細則︰

1. 「2024年線上分期活動:1000減50 獎賞」之推廣期為2024年4月1日至2024年4月30日 (包括首尾兩天) (「推廣期」),在AlipayHK應用程式中的螞蟻銀行小程式已成功開通並接受Ant Bank eM+用戶或Ant Bank PayLater額度之現有Ant Bank PayLater用戶或成功綁定中銀信用卡/渣打信用卡用戶(「合資格客戶」), 在推廣期間可進入本推廣指定活動頁面,參與領券活動。
2. 在推廣期內,合資格用戶透過AlipayHK 使用Ant Bank eM+或Ant Bank PayLater或中銀信用卡或渣打信用卡分期於指定受理平台線上或商戶線上先掃碼領券,及單次付款淨值滿港幣1000元或以上,可使用該港幣50元禮券一張並立減港幣50元。每位合資格客戶於推廣期內最多可使用港幣50元禮券1張。每張禮券只限換領後3日內適用,逾期失效並不獲補發。每位用戶於推廣期内只可換領1次。
3.於推廣期内,每日優惠名額先到先得,額滿即止。在任何情況下以AlipayHK APP的紀錄為準。優惠須視乎AlipayHK平台所反映的優惠名額使用情況而定。
5. 禮券不適用於透過AlipayHK應用程式作匯款、增值、派利是或轉賬(包括P2P)。未免疑慮,禮券不適用於任何補習、進修或訓練及/或慈善及/或保險繳費交易。
6. 成功獲得港幣50元禮券後,禮券則會在適用情況下經系統自動扣減。用戶須將AlipayHK 應用程式更新至最新版本,於AlipayHK 應用程式「首頁」點選「獎賞」,即可查看有關獎賞之詳情。AlipayHK於任何情況下均不會對用戶未能成功領取有關獎賞及/或遺失有關獎賞而負上任何責任。
7. 於適當情況下,本推廣下的禮券為基本獎賞。因應適用情況,每次交易僅限使用一張禮券。消費時禮券的使用次序如下:(i)基本獎賞可與一張優先獎賞(包括用戶特別獎賞)同時使用,但優先獎賞之使用為優先。如用戶賬戶內有多於一張優先獎賞,面額最大者優先使用。面額相同時,則最早到期者優先使用。禮券到期日相同時,則最早 領取的優先獎賞優先使用。(ii)於適當情況下,一張優先獎賞可與一張基本獎賞(包括迎新禮券、指定商戶印花禮券、平台通用禮券、政府消費券及限定付款方式禮券等)或可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)(包括推薦現有用戶獎賞)同時使用。在沒有任何可累積基本獎賞情況下,如賬戶內具備不同種類的基本獎賞,核銷先後順序為平台通用禮券優先,政府消費券次之,限定付款方式禮券最後核銷。如果用戶在賬戶裡有多於一張同種類的基本獎賞,金額最大的一張基本獎賞優先使用。面額相同時,則最早到期者優先使用。到期日相同時,則最早領取的基本獎賞優先使用。如用戶同時有基本獎賞及可累積基本獎賞,面額最大的一張基本獎賞及可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)中金額較大者先被使用。如一張基本獎賞與可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)的面額相同時,可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)優先使用。(iii) 各種禮券的使用方式受其相關條款及細則約束。禮券核銷一切以實際付款頁面為準。(iv) 如用戶要使用本推廣下的禮券,相關交易經扣減所有適用獎賞及優惠後的淨消費金额不得少於港幣1元,否則該獎賞將不適用於該交易。
8. 在禮券/獎賞的使用過程中,如果出現違反本條款及細則、違法、欺詐或濫用行為,我方將取消該用戶的優惠資格或其所獲之禮券/獎賞而毋須另行通知,並有權撤銷任何涉及違規行為的交易及向有關用戶追討損失。
9. 除非條款及細則另有説明,禮券/獎賞不可用於購買商戶現金券/禮券、預付卡、兌換現金及不可轉讓。如需退貨或退款,禮券所對應的金額將不作為退款款項,而相關禮券將不獲補發。
10. 本推廣將依香港特別行政區法例進行,如本推廣活動因受政府機關指令、遭受嚴重網絡攻擊、系統故障或因其他於我方控制外的情況,而無法順利進行,此種情況為不可抗力。我方毋須為因不可抗力造成的損害、損失、糾紛承擔任何責任。
11. 我方對商戶提供之產品及服務質素及供應量恕不負責。
12. 我方保留毋須事先通知的情況下更改、暫停或取消本推廣或修訂其條款及細則之酌情權, 我方恕不就任何更改、暫停或取消承擔任何責任,並對所有事宜及爭議保留最終決定權。
13. 如對上述有關螞蟻銀行及其服務或優惠的使用方法及詳情有任何問題,請致電螞蟻銀行客戶服務熱線2325 0303查詢。如對上述有關AlipayHK及其服務或優惠的使用方法及詳情有任何問題,請致電AlipayHK客戶服務熱線2245 3201查詢。
14. 本條款及細則受香港特別行政區法律規管,並按其詮釋。
15. 如本條款及細則的中、英文版有所差異,一概以中文版為準。

2024: Instalment 1000-50 Online Reward (Only at Online Shop) Terms & Conditions
1. The“2024: Instalment 1000-50 Online Reward” (“Promotion”) runs from 1 April 2024 to 30 April 2024 (both dates inclusive) (“Promotion Period”). The promotion is only applicable for use by users who have successfully applied for and accepted the credit limit in Ant Bank eM+/Ant Bank PayLater or successfully bound BOC/ Standard Chartered Credit Card in AlipayHK (“Eligible Users”). During the promotion, eligible users can enter the designated page to collect one (1) HKD50 coupon.
2. During the Promotion Period, such HKD50 coupon may be used by an Eligible User upon a single net spending of HKD1000 or above with Ant Bank eM+/ Ant Bank PayLater or BOC Credit Card or Standard Chartered Credit Card (by installment only) via AlipayHK and the HKD50 coupon will be deducted automatically. Each Eligible User can redeem a maximum of 1 piece of HKD50 coupon for use throughout the Promotion Period. Coupons are valid for 3 days upon redemption. Expired Coupons are invalid and will not be re-issued. Each user can only participate in this Promotion.
3.During the Promotion Period, quota is limited in quantity and on a first-come-first-served basis. The quota of Offer available as recorded in the system of AlipayHK shall prevail under any circumstances.
4. During the Promotion Period, each user may only participate in this Promotion once and receive such limited number of Rewards / Coupons as set out in the Terms and Conditions. For participating merchants(online shops), please refer to the materials displayed in the stores.
5. The Coupons may not be used for remittance, topping up, sending of Lucky Money or transfers (including P2P). For the avoidance of doubt, the Coupons are not applicable to bill payment transactions made for tutoring, learning and training, charity and insurance.
6. Upon successful redemption of the HKD50 coupon, this will be disbursed to the AlipayHK App account of Eligible User automatically. Coupons will be deducted automatically in applicable circumstances. The AlipayHK App must be updated to the latest version. Users may go to the “Home” page and select “Reward” to read details of the respective Coupons. AlipayHK shall bear no liability if users cannot perform a successful redemption of the relevant rewards and/or the relevant reward is lost due to any circumstances.
7. Where applicable, the Coupons issued under this Promotion are Basic Rewards. Only one (1) Coupon may be used in each transaction, depending on the applicable circumstances. The usage priority of Coupon is as follows:
(i) Basic Rewards may be used in conjunction with one (1) Priority Reward (including User Special Reward), but Priority Reward shall have priority in usage. If there are more than one Priority Reward in the user’s AlipayHK account, the Priority Reward with the highest value will be used first. In case the Priority Rewards are of the same value, the one with the earliest expiry date will be used. If the expiry dates of the Priority Rewards are the same, the Priority Reward with the earliest redemption date will be used first.
(ii) One (1) Priority Reward may be used in conjunction with one (1) Basic Reward (including welcome rewards, designated merchant e-stamp coupons, Platform General Coupons, Government Consumption Vouchers and Limited Payment Method coupons) or Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons) (including rewards for referring existing users) in applicable circumstances. If the user does not have any Accumulative Basic Rewards, and there are various kinds of Basic Rewards in the user’s account, Platform General Coupons shall have priority in usage, Government Consumption Vouchers second and Limited Payment Method Coupons shall have last priority. If the user has more than one kind of Basic Reward in its AlipayHK account, the Basic Reward with the highest value will be used first. In case the Basic Rewards are of the same value, the one with the earliest expiry date will be used. If the expiry dates of the Basic Rewards are the same, the Basic Reward with the earliest redemption date will be used first. If the user has both Basic Reward and Accumulative Basic Reward, the priority of using such coupons will be determined by (i) the value of one (1) such Basic Reward (highest value) and (ii) the aggregate value of the Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons), and the coupon(s) with the highest value between (i) and (ii) will be used first. In case of same value between (i) and (ii), Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons) will be used.
(iii) The use of different types of coupons are subject to their respective terms and conditions. The actual payment page shall prevail.
(iv) If an Eligible User wishes to use the Coupon(s) issued under this Promotion in a transaction, the net amount of the relevant transaction after deducting the amount of all applicable reward(s) and discounts shall not be less than HK$1, otherwise the Coupons(s) are not applicable to be used in such transaction.
8. If there is any breach of the Terms and Conditions or illegal, fraudulent or abusive behavior during the use of any Coupons/Rewards, we will forfeit such user’s eligibility and entitlement of Coupons/Rewards forthwith without notice, we reserve the right to cancel such transaction and to take legal action against the relevant user.
9. Unless specified otherwise, Coupons/Rewards cannot be used to purchase cash vouchers, gift vouchers, or prepaid cards. They are also non-exchangeable for cash and non-transferable. For goods return or refund, the amount on the Coupons will not be returned and the relevant Coupon will not be re-issued.
10. This Promotion will be carried out in accordance with applicable laws in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In the event this Promotion is stopped by government agency’s orders or must be suspended due to server network attack or system failure or any circumstances beyond our control, such event shall be regarded as a force majeure event, and we shall not be held liable for any damage, loss or dispute therein.
11. We shall not be liable or construed as providing any guarantee as to the quality and availability of the products and/or service provided by merchants.
12. We reserve the right to change, suspend or terminate the Promotion or the Terms and Conditions at its sole discretion without prior notice. We shall not be liable for any such change, suspension or termination and reserves the right of final decision of all the matters and disputes.
13. For any enquiries in relation to Ant Bank services or offers, please call the Ant Bank customer service hotline at 2325 0303. For any enquiries in relation to AlipayHK App and its services or offers, please call the AlipayHK customer service hotline at 2245 3201.
14. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
15. Should there be any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and the Chinese versions of the Terms and Conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

2024年立減活動(只限線上):500減25 獎賞(「本推廣」)之條款及細則︰

1. 「2024年線上活動:500減25 獎賞」之推廣期為2024年4月1日至2024年4月30日 (包括首尾兩天) (「推廣期」)。
2. 在推廣期內, AlipayHK用戶於指定受理平台線上或商戶先掃碼領券,及單次付款淨值滿港幣500元或以上,可使用該港幣25元禮券一張並立減港幣25元。每位合資格客戶於推廣期內最多可使用港幣25元禮券1張。每張禮券只限換領後3日內適用,逾期失效並不獲補發。每位用戶於推廣期内只可換領1次。
3.於推廣期内,每日優惠名額先到先得,額滿即止。在任何情況下以AlipayHK APP的紀錄為準。優惠須視乎AlipayHK平台所反映的優惠名額使用情況而定。
5. 禮券不適用於透過AlipayHK應用程式作匯款、增值、派利是或轉賬(包括P2P)。未免疑慮,禮券不適用於任何補習、進修或訓練及/或慈善及/或保險繳費交易。
6. 成功獲得港幣25元禮券後,禮券則會在適用情況下經系統自動扣減。用戶須將AlipayHK 應用程式更新至最新版本,於AlipayHK 應用程式「首頁」點選「獎賞」,即可查看有關獎賞之詳情。AlipayHK於任何情況下均不會對用戶未能成功領取有關獎賞及/或遺失有關獎賞而負上任何責任。
7. 於適當情況下,本推廣下的禮券為基本獎賞。因應適用情況,每次交易僅限使用一張禮券。消費時禮券的使用次序如下:(i)基本獎賞可與一張優先獎賞(包括用戶特別獎賞)同時使用,但優先獎賞之使用為優先。如用戶賬戶內有多於一張優先獎賞,面額最大者優先使用。面額相同時,則最早到期者優先使用。禮券到期日相同時,則最早 領取的優先獎賞優先使用。(ii)於適當情況下,一張優先獎賞可與一張基本獎賞(包括迎新禮券、指定商戶印花禮券、平台通用禮券、政府消費券及限定付款方式禮券等)或可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)(包括推薦現有用戶獎賞)同時使用。在沒有任何可累積基本獎賞情況下,如賬戶內具備不同種類的基本獎賞,核銷先後順序為平台通用禮券優先,政府消費券次之,限定付款方式禮券最後核銷。如果用戶在賬戶裡有多於一張同種類的基本獎賞,金額最大的一張基本獎賞優先使用。面額相同時,則最早到期者優先使用。到期日相同時,則最早領取的基本獎賞優先使用。如用戶同時有基本獎賞及可累積基本獎賞,面額最大的一張基本獎賞及可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)中金額較大者先被使用。如一張基本獎賞與可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)的面額相同時,可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)優先使用。(iii) 各種禮券的使用方式受其相關條款及細則約束。禮券核銷一切以實際付款頁面為準。(iv) 如用戶要使用本推廣下的禮券,相關交易經扣減所有適用獎賞及優惠後的淨消費金额不得少於港幣1元,否則該獎賞將不適用於該交易。
8. 在禮券/獎賞的使用過程中,如果出現違反本條款及細則、違法、欺詐或濫用行為,我方將取消該用戶的優惠資格或其所獲之禮券/獎賞而毋須另行通知,並有權撤銷任何涉及違規行為的交易及向有關用戶追討損失。
9. 除非條款及細則另有説明,禮券/獎賞不可用於購買商戶現金券/禮券、預付卡、兌換現金及不可轉讓。如需退貨或退款,禮券所對應的金額將不作為退款款項,而相關禮券將不獲補發。
10. 本推廣將依香港特別行政區法例進行,如本推廣活動因受政府機關指令、遭受嚴重網絡攻擊、系統故障或因其他於我方控制外的情況,而無法順利進行,此種情況為不可抗力。我方毋須為因不可抗力造成的損害、損失、糾紛承擔任何責任。
11. 我方對商戶提供之產品及服務質素及供應量恕不負責。
12. 我方保留毋須事先通知的情況下更改、暫停或取消本推廣或修訂其條款及細則之酌情權, 我方恕不就任何更改、暫停或取消承擔任何責任,並對所有事宜及爭議保留最終決定權。
13. 如對上述有關螞蟻銀行及其服務或優惠的使用方法及詳情有任何問題,請致電螞蟻銀行客戶服務熱線2325 0303查詢。如對上述有關AlipayHK及其服務或優惠的使用方法及詳情有任何問題,請致電AlipayHK客戶服務熱線2245 3201查詢。
14. 本條款及細則受香港特別行政區法律規管,並按其詮釋。
15. 如本條款及細則的中、英文版有所差異,一概以中文版為準。

2024: Instalment 500-25 Online Reward (Only at Online Shop) Terms & Conditions
1. The“2024: 500-25 Online Reward” (“Promotion”) runs from 1 April 2024 to 30 April 2024 (both dates inclusive) (“Promotion Period”).
2. During the Promotion Period, all AlipayHK users can use the AlipayHK mobile app (“AlipayHK App”) to scan the QR code displayed on the designated marketing material upon a single net of HK$500 or above via AlipayHK APP after redeeming all applicable rewards and in accordance with Clause 5 below. Only one (1) HKD25 Coupon can be collected each month throughout the Promotion Period. Coupons are valid for 3 days upon redemption. Expired Coupons are invalid and will not be re-issued. Each user can only participate in this Promotion.
3.During the Promotion Period, quota is limited in quantity and on a first-come-first-served basis. The quota of Offer available as recorded in the system of AlipayHK shall prevail under any circumstances.
4. During the Promotion Period, each user may only participate in this Promotion once and receive such limited number of Rewards / Coupons as set out in the Terms and Conditions. For participating merchants (online shops), please refer to the materials displayed in the stores.
5. The Coupons may not be used for remittance, topping up, sending of Lucky Money or transfers (including P2P). For the avoidance of doubt, the Coupons are not applicable to bill payment transactions made for tutoring, learning and training, charity and insurance.
6. Upon successful redemption of the HKD25 coupon, this will be disbursed to the AlipayHK App account of Eligible User automatically. Coupons will be deducted automatically in applicable circumstances. The AlipayHK App must be updated to the latest version. Users may go to the “Home” page and select “Reward” to read details of the respective Coupons. AlipayHK shall bear no liability if users cannot perform a successful redemption of the relevant rewards and/or the relevant reward is lost due to any circumstances.
7. Where applicable, the Coupons issued under this Promotion are Basic Rewards. Only one (1) Coupon may be used in each transaction, depending on the applicable circumstances. The usage priority of Coupon is as follows:
(i) Basic Rewards may be used in conjunction with one (1) Priority Reward (including User Special Reward), but Priority Reward shall have priority in usage. If there are more than one Priority Reward in the user’s AlipayHK account, the Priority Reward with the highest value will be used first. In case the Priority Rewards are of the same value, the one with the earliest expiry date will be used. If the expiry dates of the Priority Rewards are the same, the Priority Reward with the earliest redemption date will be used first.
(ii) One (1) Priority Reward may be used in conjunction with one (1) Basic Reward (including welcome rewards, designated merchant e-stamp coupons, Platform General Coupons, Government Consumption Vouchers and Limited Payment Method coupons) or Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons) (including rewards for referring existing users) in applicable circumstances. If the user does not have any Accumulative Basic Rewards, and there are various kinds of Basic Rewards in the user’s account, Platform General Coupons shall have priority in usage, Government Consumption Vouchers second and Limited Payment Method Coupons shall have last priority. If the user has more than one kind of Basic Reward in its AlipayHK account, the Basic Reward with the highest value will be used first. In case the Basic Rewards are of the same value, the one with the earliest expiry date will be used. If the expiry dates of the Basic Rewards are the same, the Basic Reward with the earliest redemption date will be used first. If the user has both Basic Reward and Accumulative Basic Reward, the priority of using such coupons will be determined by (i) the value of one (1) such Basic Reward (highest value) and (ii) the aggregate value of the Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons), and the coupon(s) with the highest value between (i) and (ii) will be used first. In case of same value between (i) and (ii), Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons) will be used.
(iii) The use of different types of coupons are subject to their respective terms and conditions. The actual payment page shall prevail.
(iv) If an Eligible User wishes to use the Coupon(s) issued under this Promotion in a transaction, the net amount of the relevant transaction after deducting the amount of all applicable reward(s) and discounts shall not be less than HK$1, otherwise the Coupons(s) are not applicable to be used in such transaction.
8. If there is any breach of the Terms and Conditions or illegal, fraudulent or abusive behavior during the use of any Coupons/Rewards, we will forfeit such user’s eligibility and entitlement of Coupons/Rewards forthwith without notice, we reserve the right to cancel such transaction and to take legal action against the relevant user.
9. Unless specified otherwise, Coupons/Rewards cannot be used to purchase cash vouchers, gift vouchers, or prepaid cards. They are also non-exchangeable for cash and non-transferable. For goods return or refund, the amount on the Coupons will not be returned and the relevant Coupon will not be re-issued.
10. This Promotion will be carried out in accordance with applicable laws in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In the event this Promotion is stopped by government agency’s orders or must be suspended due to server network attack or system failure or any circumstances beyond our control, such event shall be regarded as a force majeure event, and we shall not be held liable for any damage, loss or dispute therein.
11. We shall not be liable or construed as providing any guarantee as to the quality and availability of the products and/or service provided by merchants.
12. We reserve the right to change, suspend or terminate the Promotion or the Terms and Conditions at its sole discretion without prior notice. We shall not be liable for any such change, suspension or termination and reserves the right of final decision of all the matters and disputes.
13. For any enquiries in relation to Ant Bank services or offers, please call the Ant Bank customer service hotline at 2325 0303. For any enquiries in relation to AlipayHK App and its services or offers, please call the AlipayHK customer service hotline at 2245 3201.
14. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
15. Should there be any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and the Chinese versions of the Terms and Conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

2024年分期活動(只限線上):2000減100 獎賞(「本推廣」)之條款及細則︰

1. 「2024年線上分期活動:2000減100 獎賞」之推廣期為2024年4月1日至2024年4月30日 (包括首尾兩天) (「推廣期」),在AlipayHK應用程式中的螞蟻銀行小程式已成功開通並接受Ant Bank eM+用戶或Ant Bank PayLater額度之現有Ant Bank PayLater用戶或成功綁定中銀信用卡/渣打信用卡用戶(「合資格客戶」), 在推廣期間可進入本推廣指定活動頁面,參與領券活動。
2. 在推廣期內,合資格用戶透過AlipayHK 使用Ant Bank eM+或Ant Bank PayLater或中銀信用卡或渣打信用卡分期於指定受理平台線上或商戶線上先掃碼領券,及單次付款淨值滿港幣2000元或以上,可使用該港幣100元禮券一張並立減港幣100元。每位合資格客戶於推廣期內最多可使用港幣100元禮券1張。每張禮券只限換領後3日內適用,逾期失效並不獲補發。每位用戶於推廣期内只可換領1次。
3.於推廣期内,每日優惠名額先到先得,額滿即止。在任何情況下以AlipayHK APP的紀錄為準。優惠須視乎AlipayHK平台所反映的優惠名額使用情況而定。
5. 禮券不適用於透過AlipayHK應用程式作匯款、增值、派利是或轉賬(包括P2P)。未免疑慮,禮券不適用於任何補習、進修或訓練及/或慈善及/或保險繳費交易。
6. 成功獲得港幣100元禮券後,禮券則會在適用情況下經系統自動扣減。用戶須將AlipayHK 應用程式更新至最新版本,於AlipayHK 應用程式「首頁」點選「獎賞」,即可查看有關獎賞之詳情。AlipayHK於任何情況下均不會對用戶未能成功領取有關獎賞及/或遺失有關獎賞而負上任何責任。
7. 於適當情況下,本推廣下的禮券為基本獎賞。因應適用情況,每次交易僅限使用一張禮券。消費時禮券的使用次序如下:(i)基本獎賞可與一張優先獎賞(包括用戶特別獎賞)同時使用,但優先獎賞之使用為優先。如用戶賬戶內有多於一張優先獎賞,面額最大者優先使用。面額相同時,則最早到期者優先使用。禮券到期日相同時,則最早 領取的優先獎賞優先使用。(ii)於適當情況下,一張優先獎賞可與一張基本獎賞(包括迎新禮券、指定商戶印花禮券、平台通用禮券、政府消費券及限定付款方式禮券等)或可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)(包括推薦現有用戶獎賞)同時使用。在沒有任何可累積基本獎賞情況下,如賬戶內具備不同種類的基本獎賞,核銷先後順序為平台通用禮券優先,政府消費券次之,限定付款方式禮券最後核銷。如果用戶在賬戶裡有多於一張同種類的基本獎賞,金額最大的一張基本獎賞優先使用。面額相同時,則最早到期者優先使用。到期日相同時,則最早領取的基本獎賞優先使用。如用戶同時有基本獎賞及可累積基本獎賞,面額最大的一張基本獎賞及可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)中金額較大者先被使用。如一張基本獎賞與可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)的面額相同時,可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)優先使用。(iii) 各種禮券的使用方式受其相關條款及細則約束。禮券核銷一切以實際付款頁面為準。(iv) 如用戶要使用本推廣下的禮券,相關交易經扣減所有適用獎賞及優惠後的淨消費金额不得少於港幣1元,否則該獎賞將不適用於該交易。
8. 在禮券/獎賞的使用過程中,如果出現違反本條款及細則、違法、欺詐或濫用行為,我方將取消該用戶的優惠資格或其所獲之禮券/獎賞而毋須另行通知,並有權撤銷任何涉及違規行為的交易及向有關用戶追討損失。
9. 除非條款及細則另有説明,禮券/獎賞不可用於購買商戶現金券/禮券、預付卡、兌換現金及不可轉讓。如需退貨或退款,禮券所對應的金額將不作為退款款項,而相關禮券將不獲補發。
10. 本推廣將依香港特別行政區法例進行,如本推廣活動因受政府機關指令、遭受嚴重網絡攻擊、系統故障或因其他於我方控制外的情況,而無法順利進行,此種情況為不可抗力。我方毋須為因不可抗力造成的損害、損失、糾紛承擔任何責任。
11. 我方對商戶提供之產品及服務質素及供應量恕不負責。
12. 我方保留毋須事先通知的情況下更改、暫停或取消本推廣或修訂其條款及細則之酌情權, 我方恕不就任何更改、暫停或取消承擔任何責任,並對所有事宜及爭議保留最終決定權。
13. 如對上述有關螞蟻銀行及其服務或優惠的使用方法及詳情有任何問題,請致電螞蟻銀行客戶服務熱線2325 0303查詢。如對上述有關AlipayHK及其服務或優惠的使用方法及詳情有任何問題,請致電AlipayHK客戶服務熱線2245 3201查詢。
14. 本條款及細則受香港特別行政區法律規管,並按其詮釋。
15. 如本條款及細則的中、英文版有所差異,一概以中文版為準。

2024: Instalment 2000-100 Online Reward (Only at Online Shop) Terms & Conditions
1. The“2024: Instalment 2000-100 Online Reward” (“Promotion”) runs from 1 April 2024 to 30 April 2024 (both dates inclusive) (“Promotion Period”). The promotion is only applicable for use by users who have successfully applied for and accepted the credit limit in Ant Bank eM+/Ant Bank PayLater or successfully bound BOC/ Standard Chartered Credit Card in AlipayHK (“Eligible Users”). During the promotion, eligible users can enter the designated page to collect one (1) HKD100 coupon.
2. During the Promotion Period, such HKD100 coupon may be used by an Eligible User upon a single net spending of HKD2000 or above with Ant Bank eM+/ Ant Bank PayLater or BOC Credit Card or Standard Chartered Credit Card (by installment only) via AlipayHK and the HKD100 coupon will be deducted automatically. Each Eligible User can redeem a maximum of 1 piece of HKD100 coupon for use throughout the Promotion Period. Coupons are valid for 3 days upon redemption. Expired Coupons are invalid and will not be re-issued. Each user can only participate in this Promotion.
3.During the Promotion Period, quota is limited in quantity and on a first-come-first-served basis. The quota of Offer available as recorded in the system of AlipayHK shall prevail under any circumstances.
4. During the Promotion Period, each user may only participate in this Promotion once and receive such limited number of Rewards / Coupons as set out in the Terms and Conditions. For participating merchants(online shops), please refer to the materials displayed in the stores.
5. The Coupons may not be used for remittance, topping up, sending of Lucky Money or transfers (including P2P). For the avoidance of doubt, the Coupons are not applicable to bill payment transactions made for tutoring, learning and training, charity and insurance.
6. Upon successful redemption of the HKD100 coupon, this will be disbursed to the AlipayHK App account of Eligible User automatically. Coupons will be deducted automatically in applicable circumstances. The AlipayHK App must be updated to the latest version. Users may go to the “Home” page and select “Reward” to read details of the respective Coupons. AlipayHK shall bear no liability if users cannot perform a successful redemption of the relevant rewards and/or the relevant reward is lost due to any circumstances.
7. Where applicable, the Coupons issued under this Promotion are Basic Rewards. Only one (1) Coupon may be used in each transaction, depending on the applicable circumstances. The usage priority of Coupon is as follows:
(i) Basic Rewards may be used in conjunction with one (1) Priority Reward (including User Special Reward), but Priority Reward shall have priority in usage. If there are more than one Priority Reward in the user’s AlipayHK account, the Priority Reward with the highest value will be used first. In case the Priority Rewards are of the same value, the one with the earliest expiry date will be used. If the expiry dates of the Priority Rewards are the same, the Priority Reward with the earliest redemption date will be used first.
(ii) One (1) Priority Reward may be used in conjunction with one (1) Basic Reward (including welcome rewards, designated merchant e-stamp coupons, Platform General Coupons, Government Consumption Vouchers and Limited Payment Method coupons) or Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons) (including rewards for referring existing users) in applicable circumstances. If the user does not have any Accumulative Basic Rewards, and there are various kinds of Basic Rewards in the user’s account, Platform General Coupons shall have priority in usage, Government Consumption Vouchers second and Limited Payment Method Coupons shall have last priority. If the user has more than one kind of Basic Reward in its AlipayHK account, the Basic Reward with the highest value will be used first. In case the Basic Rewards are of the same value, the one with the earliest expiry date will be used. If the expiry dates of the Basic Rewards are the same, the Basic Reward with the earliest redemption date will be used first. If the user has both Basic Reward and Accumulative Basic Reward, the priority of using such coupons will be determined by (i) the value of one (1) such Basic Reward (highest value) and (ii) the aggregate value of the Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons), and the coupon(s) with the highest value between (i) and (ii) will be used first. In case of same value between (i) and (ii), Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons) will be used.
(iii) The use of different types of coupons are subject to their respective terms and conditions. The actual payment page shall prevail.
(iv) If an Eligible User wishes to use the Coupon(s) issued under this Promotion in a transaction, the net amount of the relevant transaction after deducting the amount of all applicable reward(s) and discounts shall not be less than HK$1, otherwise the Coupons(s) are not applicable to be used in such transaction.
8. If there is any breach of the Terms and Conditions or illegal, fraudulent or abusive behavior during the use of any Coupons/Rewards, we will forfeit such user’s eligibility and entitlement of Coupons/Rewards forthwith without notice, we reserve the right to cancel such transaction and to take legal action against the relevant user.
9. Unless specified otherwise, Coupons/Rewards cannot be used to purchase cash vouchers, gift vouchers, or prepaid cards. They are also non-exchangeable for cash and non-transferable. For goods return or refund, the amount on the Coupons will not be returned and the relevant Coupon will not be re-issued.
10. This Promotion will be carried out in accordance with applicable laws in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In the event this Promotion is stopped by government agency’s orders or must be suspended due to server network attack or system failure or any circumstances beyond our control, such event shall be regarded as a force majeure event, and we shall not be held liable for any damage, loss or dispute therein.
11. We shall not be liable or construed as providing any guarantee as to the quality and availability of the products and/or service provided by merchants.
12. We reserve the right to change, suspend or terminate the Promotion or the Terms and Conditions at its sole discretion without prior notice. We shall not be liable for any such change, suspension or termination and reserves the right of final decision of all the matters and disputes.
13. For any enquiries in relation to Ant Bank services or offers, please call the Ant Bank customer service hotline at 2325 0303. For any enquiries in relation to AlipayHK App and its services or offers, please call the AlipayHK customer service hotline at 2245 3201.
14. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
15. Should there be any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and the Chinese versions of the Terms and Conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

2024年分期活動(只限線上):$888減$68 獎賞(「本推廣」)之條款及細則︰

1. 「2024年線上分期活動:$888減 $68 獎賞」之推廣期為2024年4月1日至2024年4月30日 (包括首尾兩天) (「推廣期」),在AlipayHK應用程式中的螞蟻銀行小程式已成功開通並接受Ant Bank PayLater額度之現有Ant Bank PayLater用戶或成功綁定中銀信用卡/渣打信用卡用戶(「合資格客戶」), 在推廣期間於指定受理平台線上或線上商戶使用分期服務消費滿1000元,可透過推送信息進入本推廣指定活動頁面,參與領券活動。
2. 在推廣期內,合資格用戶透過AlipayHK 使用Ant Bank eM+或Ant Bank PayLater或中銀信用卡或渣打信用卡分期於指定受理平台線上或商戶線上先掃碼領券,及單次付款淨值滿港幣888元或以上,可使用該港幣68元禮券一張並立減港幣68元。每位合資格客戶於推廣期內最多可使用港幣68元禮券1張。每張禮券只限換領後3日內適用,逾期失效並不獲補發。每位用戶於推廣期内只可換領1次。
3.於推廣期内,每日優惠名額先到先得,額滿即止。在任何情況下以AlipayHK APP的紀錄為準。優惠須視乎AlipayHK平台所反映的優惠名額使用情況而定。
5. 禮券不適用於透過AlipayHK應用程式作匯款、增值、派利是或轉賬(包括P2P)。未免疑慮,禮券不適用於任何補習、進修或訓練及/或慈善及/或保險繳費交易。
6. 成功獲得港幣68元禮券後,禮券則會在適用情況下經系統自動扣減。用戶須將AlipayHK 應用程式更新至最新版本,於AlipayHK 應用程式「首頁」點選「獎賞」,即可查看有關獎賞之詳情。AlipayHK於任何情況下均不會對用戶未能成功領取有關獎賞及/或遺失有關獎賞而負上任何責任。
7. 於適當情況下,本推廣下的禮券為基本獎賞。因應適用情況,每次交易僅限使用一張禮券。消費時禮券的使用次序如下:(i)基本獎賞可與一張優先獎賞(包括用戶特別獎賞)同時使用,但優先獎賞之使用為優先。如用戶賬戶內有多於一張優先獎賞,面額最大者優先使用。面額相同時,則最早到期者優先使用。禮券到期日相同時,則最早 領取的優先獎賞優先使用。(ii)於適當情況下,一張優先獎賞可與一張基本獎賞(包括迎新禮券、指定商戶印花禮券、平台通用禮券、政府消費券及限定付款方式禮券等)或可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)(包括推薦現有用戶獎賞)同時使用。在沒有任何可累積基本獎賞情況下,如賬戶內具備不同種類的基本獎賞,核銷先後順序為平台通用禮券優先,政府消費券次之,限定付款方式禮券最後核銷。如果用戶在賬戶裡有多於一張同種類的基本獎賞,金額最大的一張基本獎賞優先使用。面額相同時,則最早到期者優先使用。到期日相同時,則最早領取的基本獎賞優先使用。如用戶同時有基本獎賞及可累積基本獎賞,面額最大的一張基本獎賞及可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)中金額較大者先被使用。如一張基本獎賞與可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)的面額相同時,可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)優先使用。(iii) 各種禮券的使用方式受其相關條款及細則約束。禮券核銷一切以實際付款頁面為準。(iv) 如用戶要使用本推廣下的禮券,相關交易經扣減所有適用獎賞及優惠後的淨消費金额不得少於港幣1元,否則該獎賞將不適用於該交易。
8. 在禮券/獎賞的使用過程中,如果出現違反本條款及細則、違法、欺詐或濫用行為,我方將取消該用戶的優惠資格或其所獲之禮券/獎賞而毋須另行通知,並有權撤銷任何涉及違規行為的交易及向有關用戶追討損失。
9. 除非條款及細則另有説明,禮券/獎賞不可用於購買商戶現金券/禮券、預付卡、兌換現金及不可轉讓。如需退貨或退款,禮券所對應的金額將不作為退款款項,而相關禮券將不獲補發。
10. 本推廣將依香港特別行政區法例進行,如本推廣活動因受政府機關指令、遭受嚴重網絡攻擊、系統故障或因其他於我方控制外的情況,而無法順利進行,此種情況為不可抗力。我方毋須為因不可抗力造成的損害、損失、糾紛承擔任何責任。
11. 我方對商戶提供之產品及服務質素及供應量恕不負責。
12. 我方保留毋須事先通知的情況下更改、暫停或取消本推廣或修訂其條款及細則之酌情權, 我方恕不就任何更改、暫停或取消承擔任何責任,並對所有事宜及爭議保留最終決定權。
13. 如對上述有關螞蟻銀行及其服務或優惠的使用方法及詳情有任何問題,請致電螞蟻銀行客戶服務熱線2325 0303查詢。如對上述有關AlipayHK及其服務或優惠的使用方法及詳情有任何問題,請致電AlipayHK客戶服務熱線2245 3201查詢。
14. 本條款及細則受香港特別行政區法律規管,並按其詮釋。
15. 如本條款及細則的中、英文版有所差異,一概以中文版為準。

2024: Instalment 888-68 Online Reward (Only at Online Shop) Terms & Conditions
1. The“2024: Instalment 888-68 Online Reward” (“Promotion”) runs from 1 April 2024 to 30 April 2024 (both dates inclusive) (“Promotion Period”). The promotion is only applicable for use by users who have successfully applied for and accepted the credit limit in Ant Bank PayLater or successfully bound BOC/ Standard Chartered Credit Card in AlipayHK (“Eligible Users”). During the promotion, eligible users after spending HKD 1000 with Ant Bank PayLater or successfully bound BOC/ Standard Chartered Credit Card in AlipayHK, can enter the designated page to collect one (1) HKD68 coupon.
2. During the Promotion Period, such HKD 68 coupon may be used by an Eligible User upon a single net spending of HKD888 or above with Ant Bank eM+/ Ant Bank PayLater or BOC Credit Card or Standard Chartered Credit Card (by installment only) via AlipayHK and the HKD68 coupon will be deducted automatically. Each Eligible User can redeem a maximum of 1 piece of HKD68 coupon for use throughout the Promotion Period. Coupons are valid for 3 days upon redemption. Expired Coupons are invalid and will not be re-issued. Each user can only participate in this Promotion.
3.During the Promotion Period, quota is limited in quantity and on a first-come-first-served basis. The quota of Offer available as recorded in the system of AlipayHK shall prevail under any circumstances.
4. During the Promotion Period, each user may only participate in this Promotion once and receive such limited number of Rewards / Coupons as set out in the Terms and Conditions. For participating merchants(online shops), please refer to the materials displayed in the stores.
5. The Coupons may not be used for remittance, topping up, sending of Lucky Money or transfers (including P2P). For the avoidance of doubt, the Coupons are not applicable to bill payment transactions made for tutoring, learning and training, charity and insurance.
6. Upon successful redemption of the HKD68 coupon, this will be disbursed to the AlipayHK App account of Eligible User automatically. Coupons will be deducted automatically in applicable circumstances. The AlipayHK App must be updated to the latest version. Users may go to the “Home” page and select “Reward” to read details of the respective Coupons. AlipayHK shall bear no liability if users cannot perform a successful redemption of the relevant rewards and/or the relevant reward is lost due to any circumstances.
7. Where applicable, the Coupons issued under this Promotion are Basic Rewards. Only one (1) Coupon may be used in each transaction, depending on the applicable circumstances. The usage priority of Coupon is as follows:
(i) Basic Rewards may be used in conjunction with one (1) Priority Reward (including User Special Reward), but Priority Reward shall have priority in usage. If there are more than one Priority Reward in the user’s AlipayHK account, the Priority Reward with the highest value will be used first. In case the Priority Rewards are of the same value, the one with the earliest expiry date will be used. If the expiry dates of the Priority Rewards are the same, the Priority Reward with the earliest redemption date will be used first.
(ii) One (1) Priority Reward may be used in conjunction with one (1) Basic Reward (including welcome rewards, designated merchant e-stamp coupons, Platform General Coupons, Government Consumption Vouchers and Limited Payment Method coupons) or Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons) (including rewards for referring existing users) in applicable circumstances. If the user does not have any Accumulative Basic Rewards, and there are various kinds of Basic Rewards in the user’s account, Platform General Coupons shall have priority in usage, Government Consumption Vouchers second and Limited Payment Method Coupons shall have last priority. If the user has more than one kind of Basic Reward in its AlipayHK account, the Basic Reward with the highest value will be used first. In case the Basic Rewards are of the same value, the one with the earliest expiry date will be used. If the expiry dates of the Basic Rewards are the same, the Basic Reward with the earliest redemption date will be used first. If the user has both Basic Reward and Accumulative Basic Reward, the priority of using such coupons will be determined by (i) the value of one (1) such Basic Reward (highest value) and (ii) the aggregate value of the Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons), and the coupon(s) with the highest value between (i) and (ii) will be used first. In case of same value between (i) and (ii), Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons) will be used.
(iii) The use of different types of coupons are subject to their respective terms and conditions. The actual payment page shall prevail.
(iv) If an Eligible User wishes to use the Coupon(s) issued under this Promotion in a transaction, the net amount of the relevant transaction after deducting the amount of all applicable reward(s) and discounts shall not be less than HK$1, otherwise the Coupons(s) are not applicable to be used in such transaction.
8. If there is any breach of the Terms and Conditions or illegal, fraudulent or abusive behavior during the use of any Coupons/Rewards, we will forfeit such user’s eligibility and entitlement of Coupons/Rewards forthwith without notice, we reserve the right to cancel such transaction and to take legal action against the relevant user.
9. Unless specified otherwise, Coupons/Rewards cannot be used to purchase cash vouchers, gift vouchers, or prepaid cards. They are also non-exchangeable for cash and non-transferable. For goods return or refund, the amount on the Coupons will not be returned and the relevant Coupon will not be re-issued.
10. This Promotion will be carried out in accordance with applicable laws in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In the event this Promotion is stopped by government agency’s orders or must be suspended due to server network attack or system failure or any circumstances beyond our control, such event shall be regarded as a force majeure event, and we shall not be held liable for any damage, loss or dispute therein.
11. We shall not be liable or construed as providing any guarantee as to the quality and availability of the products and/or service provided by merchants.
12. We reserve the right to change, suspend or terminate the Promotion or the Terms and Conditions at its sole discretion without prior notice. We shall not be liable for any such change, suspension or termination and reserves the right of final decision of all the matters and disputes.
13. For any enquiries in relation to Ant Bank services or offers, please call the Ant Bank customer service hotline at 2325 0303. For any enquiries in relation to AlipayHK App and its services or offers, please call the AlipayHK customer service hotline at 2245 3201.
14. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
15. Should there be any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and the Chinese versions of the Terms and Conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

『友和網店12個月分期0%手續費』一般條款及細則 :

1. 友和網店分期0%手續費之推廣期指2024年4月1日至2024年4月30日(包括首尾兩天) (「推廣期」)
2. 本推廣只適用於推廣期內,所有在AlipayHK應用程式中的螞蟻銀行小程式已成功開通並接受Ant Bank PayLater額度之現有Ant Bank PayLater用戶(「合資格客戶」),經AlipayHK App選用Ant Bank PayLater 或選用於AlipayHK App綁定的香港發行中銀信用卡/渣打信用卡於友和網店分期消費不少於HKD 500,可享12個月分期 0%手續費優惠(下稱「分期手續費豁免優惠」)。
3. 每一位用戶只可根據上述條款及細則參與本推廣,於推廣期內領取相關條款及細則所限的獎賞/禮券。為免疑慮,「每一位用戶」是指使用AlipayHK應用程式和錢包服務的、具有法律行為能力的一名自然人,而非一個AlipayHK帳號。為進一步避免爭議,在下述情形,有關帳號將被視為由同一位用戶所使用,合共只可參與本項推廣一次:
(i) 在同一部手提電話或移動設備上有關連,比如有多個帳號登錄或激活;
(ii) 若同一個帳號/手機號碼在多部手提電話或移動設備上有關連,比如登錄或激活;
(iii) 若同一張銀行卡號/信用卡號被綁定於多個AlipayHK帳號時。
4. 如果出現違反本條款及細則、違法、欺詐或濫用行為,AlipayHK將取消該用戶的優惠資格而毋須另行通知,並保留取消客戶享用分期手續費豁免優惠並於 該PayLater或信用卡直接扣除已豁免手續費等值的金額而毋須另行通知。銀行亦保留取消該信 用卡的權利,及/或採取任何其認為適當的法律行動。
5. 如本推廣活動受政府機關指令須要停止舉辦的,或者推廣活動遭受嚴重網絡攻擊或系統故障須要暫停舉辦的,則推廣活動可能無法順利進行,此種情況視為不可抗力。AlipayHK無須為因不可抗力造成的損害、損失、糾紛承擔任何責任。
6. AlipayHK對任何商戶提供之產品及服務質素及供應量恕不負責
7. AlipayHK保留在毋須事先通知的情況下更改、

2024年立減活動(只限線上):500減20 獎賞(「本推廣」)之條款及細則︰

1. 「2024年線上活動:500減20 獎賞」之推廣期為2024年4月1日至2024年4月30日 (包括首尾兩天) (「推廣期」)。
2. 在推廣期內, AlipayHK用戶於指定受理平台線上或商戶先掃碼領券,及單次付款淨值滿港幣500元或以上,可使用該港幣20元禮券一張並立減港幣20元。每位合資格客戶於推廣期內最多可使用港幣20元禮券1張。每張禮券只限換領後3日內適用,逾期失效並不獲補發。每位用戶於推廣期内只可換領1次。
3.於推廣期内,每日優惠名額先到先得,額滿即止。在任何情況下以AlipayHK APP的紀錄為準。優惠須視乎AlipayHK平台所反映的優惠名額使用情況而定。
5. 禮券不適用於透過AlipayHK應用程式作匯款、增值、派利是或轉賬(包括P2P)。未免疑慮,禮券不適用於任何補習、進修或訓練及/或慈善及/或保險繳費交易。
6. 成功獲得港幣20元禮券後,禮券則會在適用情況下經系統自動扣減。用戶須將AlipayHK 應用程式更新至最新版本,於AlipayHK 應用程式「首頁」點選「獎賞」,即可查看有關獎賞之詳情。AlipayHK於任何情況下均不會對用戶未能成功領取有關獎賞及/或遺失有關獎賞而負上任何責任。
7. 於適當情況下,本推廣下的禮券為基本獎賞。因應適用情況,每次交易僅限使用一張禮券。消費時禮券的使用次序如下:(i)基本獎賞可與一張優先獎賞(包括用戶特別獎賞)同時使用,但優先獎賞之使用為優先。如用戶賬戶內有多於一張優先獎賞,面額最大者優先使用。面額相同時,則最早到期者優先使用。禮券到期日相同時,則最早 領取的優先獎賞優先使用。(ii)於適當情況下,一張優先獎賞可與一張基本獎賞(包括迎新禮券、指定商戶印花禮券、平台通用禮券、政府消費券及限定付款方式禮券等)或可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)(包括推薦現有用戶獎賞)同時使用。在沒有任何可累積基本獎賞情況下,如賬戶內具備不同種類的基本獎賞,核銷先後順序為平台通用禮券優先,政府消費券次之,限定付款方式禮券最後核銷。如果用戶在賬戶裡有多於一張同種類的基本獎賞,金額最大的一張基本獎賞優先使用。面額相同時,則最早到期者優先使用。到期日相同時,則最早領取的基本獎賞優先使用。如用戶同時有基本獎賞及可累積基本獎賞,面額最大的一張基本獎賞及可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)中金額較大者先被使用。如一張基本獎賞與可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)的面額相同時,可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)優先使用。(iii) 各種禮券的使用方式受其相關條款及細則約束。禮券核銷一切以實際付款頁面為準。(iv) 如用戶要使用本推廣下的禮券,相關交易經扣減所有適用獎賞及優惠後的淨消費金额不得少於港幣1元,否則該獎賞將不適用於該交易。
8. 在禮券/獎賞的使用過程中,如果出現違反本條款及細則、違法、欺詐或濫用行為,我方將取消該用戶的優惠資格或其所獲之禮券/獎賞而毋須另行通知,並有權撤銷任何涉及違規行為的交易及向有關用戶追討損失。
9. 除非條款及細則另有説明,禮券/獎賞不可用於購買商戶現金券/禮券、預付卡、兌換現金及不可轉讓。如需退貨或退款,禮券所對應的金額將不作為退款款項,而相關禮券將不獲補發。
10. 本推廣將依香港特別行政區法例進行,如本推廣活動因受政府機關指令、遭受嚴重網絡攻擊、系統故障或因其他於我方控制外的情況,而無法順利進行,此種情況為不可抗力。我方毋須為因不可抗力造成的損害、損失、糾紛承擔任何責任。
11. 我方對商戶提供之產品及服務質素及供應量恕不負責。
12. 我方保留毋須事先通知的情況下更改、暫停或取消本推廣或修訂其條款及細則之酌情權, 我方恕不就任何更改、暫停或取消承擔任何責任,並對所有事宜及爭議保留最終決定權。
13. 如對上述有關螞蟻銀行及其服務或優惠的使用方法及詳情有任何問題,請致電螞蟻銀行客戶服務熱線2325 0303查詢。如對上述有關AlipayHK及其服務或優惠的使用方法及詳情有任何問題,請致電AlipayHK客戶服務熱線2245 3201查詢。
14. 本條款及細則受香港特別行政區法律規管,並按其詮釋。
15. 如本條款及細則的中、英文版有所差異,一概以中文版為準。

2024: Instalment 500-20 Online Reward (Only at Online Shop) Terms & Conditions
1. The“2024: 500-20 Online Reward” (“Promotion”) runs from 1 April 2024 to 30 April 2024 (both dates inclusive) (“Promotion Period”).
2. During the Promotion Period, all AlipayHK users can use the AlipayHK mobile app (“AlipayHK App”) to scan the QR code displayed on the designated marketing material upon a single net of HK$500 or above via AlipayHK APP after redeeming all applicable rewards and in accordance with Clause 5 below. Only one (1) HKD20 Coupon can be collected each month throught out the Promotion Period. Coupons are valid for 3 days upon redemption. Expired Coupons are invalid and will not be re-issued. Each user can only participate in this Promotion.
3.During the Promotion Period, quota is limited in quantity and on a first-come-first-served basis. The quota of Offer available as recorded in the system of AlipayHK shall prevail under any circumstances.
4. During the Promotion Period, each user may only participate in this Promotion once and receive such limited number of Rewards / Coupons as set out in the Terms and Conditions. For participating merchants (online shops), please refer to the materials displayed in the stores.
5. The Coupons may not be used for remittance, topping up, sending of Lucky Money or transfers (including P2P). For the avoidance of doubt, the Coupons are not applicable to bill payment transactions made for tutoring, learning and training, charity and insurance.
6. Upon successful redemption of the HKD20 coupon, this will be disbursed to the AlipayHK App account of Eligible User automatically. Coupons will be deducted automatically in applicable circumstances. The AlipayHK App must be updated to the latest version. Users may go to the “Home” page and select “Reward” to read details of the respective Coupons. AlipayHK shall bear no liability if users cannot perform a successful redemption of the relevant rewards and/or the relevant reward is lost due to any circumstances.
7. Where applicable, the Coupons issued under this Promotion are Basic Rewards. Only one (1) Coupon may be used in each transaction, depending on the applicable circumstances. The usage priority of Coupon is as follows:
(i) Basic Rewards may be used in conjunction with one (1) Priority Reward (including User Special Reward), but Priority Reward shall have priority in usage. If there are more than one Priority Reward in the user’s AlipayHK account, the Priority Reward with the highest value will be used first. In case the Priority Rewards are of the same value, the one with the earliest expiry date will be used. If the expiry dates of the Priority Rewards are the same, the Priority Reward with the earliest redemption date will be used first.
(ii) One (1) Priority Reward may be used in conjunction with one (1) Basic Reward (including welcome rewards, designated merchant e-stamp coupons, Platform General Coupons, Government Consumption Vouchers and Limited Payment Method coupons) or Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons) (including rewards for referring existing users) in applicable circumstances. If the user does not have any Accumulative Basic Rewards, and there are various kinds of Basic Rewards in the user’s account, Platform General Coupons shall have priority in usage, Government Consumption Vouchers second and Limited Payment Method Coupons shall have last priority. If the user has more than one kind of Basic Reward in its AlipayHK account, the Basic Reward with the highest value will be used first. In case the Basic Rewards are of the same value, the one with the earliest expiry date will be used. If the expiry dates of the Basic Rewards are the same, the Basic Reward with the earliest redemption date will be used first. If the user has both Basic Reward and Accumulative Basic Reward, the priority of using such coupons will be determined by (i) the value of one (1) such Basic Reward (highest value) and (ii) the aggregate value of the Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons), and the coupon(s) with the highest value between (i) and (ii) will be used first. In case of same value between (i) and (ii), Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons) will be used.
(iii) The use of different types of coupons are subject to their respective terms and conditions. The actual payment page shall prevail.
(iv) If an Eligible User wishes to use the Coupon(s) issued under this Promotion in a transaction, the net amount of the relevant transaction after deducting the amount of all applicable reward(s) and discounts shall not be less than HK$1, otherwise the Coupons(s) are not applicable to be used in such transaction.
8. If there is any breach of the Terms and Conditions or illegal, fraudulent or abusive behavior during the use of any Coupons/Rewards, we will forfeit such user’s eligibility and entitlement of Coupons/Rewards forthwith without notice, we reserve the right to cancel such transaction and to take legal action against the relevant user.
9. Unless specified otherwise, Coupons/Rewards cannot be used to purchase cash vouchers, gift vouchers, or prepaid cards. They are also non-exchangeable for cash and non-transferable. For goods return or refund, the amount on the Coupons will not be returned and the relevant Coupon will not be re-issued.
10. This Promotion will be carried out in accordance with applicable laws in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In the event this Promotion is stopped by government agency’s orders or must be suspended due to server network attack or system failure or any circumstances beyond our control, such event shall be regarded as a force majeure event, and we shall not be held liable for any damage, loss or dispute therein.
11. We shall not be liable or construed as providing any guarantee as to the quality and availability of the products and/or service provided by merchants.
12. We reserve the right to change, suspend or terminate the Promotion or the Terms and Conditions at its sole discretion without prior notice. We shall not be liable for any such change, suspension or termination and reserves the right of final decision of all the matters and disputes.
13. For any enquiries in relation to Ant Bank services or offers, please call the Ant Bank customer service hotline at 2325 0303. For any enquiries in relation to AlipayHK App and its services or offers, please call the AlipayHK customer service hotline at 2245 3201.
14. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
15. Should there be any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and the Chinese versions of the Terms and Conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

2024年分期活動(只限線上):1000減50 獎賞(「本推廣」)之條款及細則︰

1. 「2024年線上分期活動:1000減50 獎賞」之推廣期為2024年4月1日至2024年4月30日 (包括首尾兩天) (「推廣期」),在AlipayHK應用程式中的螞蟻銀行小程式已成功開通並接受Ant Bank eM+用戶或Ant Bank PayLater額度之現有Ant Bank PayLater用戶或成功綁定中銀信用卡/渣打信用卡用戶(「合資格客戶」), 在推廣期間可進入本推廣指定活動頁面,參與領券活動。
2. 在推廣期內,合資格用戶透過AlipayHK 使用Ant Bank eM+或Ant Bank PayLater或中銀信用卡或渣打信用卡分期於指定受理平台線上或商戶線上先掃碼領券,及單次付款淨值滿港幣1000元或以上,可使用該港幣50元禮券一張並立減港幣50元。每位合資格客戶於推廣期內最多可使用港幣50元禮券1張。每張禮券只限換領後3日內適用,逾期失效並不獲補發。每位用戶於推廣期内只可換領1次。
3.於推廣期内,每日優惠名額先到先得,額滿即止。在任何情況下以AlipayHK APP的紀錄為準。優惠須視乎AlipayHK平台所反映的優惠名額使用情況而定。
5. 禮券不適用於透過AlipayHK應用程式作匯款、增值、派利是或轉賬(包括P2P)。未免疑慮,禮券不適用於任何補習、進修或訓練及/或慈善及/或保險繳費交易。
6. 成功獲得港幣50元禮券後,禮券則會在適用情況下經系統自動扣減。用戶須將AlipayHK 應用程式更新至最新版本,於AlipayHK 應用程式「首頁」點選「獎賞」,即可查看有關獎賞之詳情。AlipayHK於任何情況下均不會對用戶未能成功領取有關獎賞及/或遺失有關獎賞而負上任何責任。
7. 於適當情況下,本推廣下的禮券為基本獎賞。因應適用情況,每次交易僅限使用一張禮券。消費時禮券的使用次序如下:(i)基本獎賞可與一張優先獎賞(包括用戶特別獎賞)同時使用,但優先獎賞之使用為優先。如用戶賬戶內有多於一張優先獎賞,面額最大者優先使用。面額相同時,則最早到期者優先使用。禮券到期日相同時,則最早 領取的優先獎賞優先使用。(ii)於適當情況下,一張優先獎賞可與一張基本獎賞(包括迎新禮券、指定商戶印花禮券、平台通用禮券、政府消費券及限定付款方式禮券等)或可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)(包括推薦現有用戶獎賞)同時使用。在沒有任何可累積基本獎賞情況下,如賬戶內具備不同種類的基本獎賞,核銷先後順序為平台通用禮券優先,政府消費券次之,限定付款方式禮券最後核銷。如果用戶在賬戶裡有多於一張同種類的基本獎賞,金額最大的一張基本獎賞優先使用。面額相同時,則最早到期者優先使用。到期日相同時,則最早領取的基本獎賞優先使用。如用戶同時有基本獎賞及可累積基本獎賞,面額最大的一張基本獎賞及可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)中金額較大者先被使用。如一張基本獎賞與可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)的面額相同時,可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)優先使用。(iii) 各種禮券的使用方式受其相關條款及細則約束。禮券核銷一切以實際付款頁面為準。(iv) 如用戶要使用本推廣下的禮券,相關交易經扣減所有適用獎賞及優惠後的淨消費金额不得少於港幣1元,否則該獎賞將不適用於該交易。
8. 在禮券/獎賞的使用過程中,如果出現違反本條款及細則、違法、欺詐或濫用行為,我方將取消該用戶的優惠資格或其所獲之禮券/獎賞而毋須另行通知,並有權撤銷任何涉及違規行為的交易及向有關用戶追討損失。
9. 除非條款及細則另有説明,禮券/獎賞不可用於購買商戶現金券/禮券、預付卡、兌換現金及不可轉讓。如需退貨或退款,禮券所對應的金額將不作為退款款項,而相關禮券將不獲補發。
10. 本推廣將依香港特別行政區法例進行,如本推廣活動因受政府機關指令、遭受嚴重網絡攻擊、系統故障或因其他於我方控制外的情況,而無法順利進行,此種情況為不可抗力。我方毋須為因不可抗力造成的損害、損失、糾紛承擔任何責任。
11. 我方對商戶提供之產品及服務質素及供應量恕不負責。
12. 我方保留毋須事先通知的情況下更改、暫停或取消本推廣或修訂其條款及細則之酌情權, 我方恕不就任何更改、暫停或取消承擔任何責任,並對所有事宜及爭議保留最終決定權。
13. 如對上述有關螞蟻銀行及其服務或優惠的使用方法及詳情有任何問題,請致電螞蟻銀行客戶服務熱線2325 0303查詢。如對上述有關AlipayHK及其服務或優惠的使用方法及詳情有任何問題,請致電AlipayHK客戶服務熱線2245 3201查詢。
14. 本條款及細則受香港特別行政區法律規管,並按其詮釋。
15. 如本條款及細則的中、英文版有所差異,一概以中文版為準。

2024: Instalment 1000-50 Online Reward (Only at Online Shop) Terms & Conditions
1. The“2024: Instalment 1000-50 Online Reward” (“Promotion”) runs from 1 April 2024 to 30 April 2024 (both dates inclusive) (“Promotion Period”). The promotion is only applicable for use by users who have successfully applied for and accepted the credit limit in Ant Bank eM+/Ant Bank PayLater or successfully bound BOC/ Standard Chartered Credit Card in AlipayHK (“Eligible Users”). During the promotion, eligible users can enter the designated page to collect one (1) HKD50 coupon.
2. During the Promotion Period, such HKD50 coupon may be used by an Eligible User upon a single net spending of HKD1000 or above with Ant Bank eM+/ Ant Bank PayLater or BOC Credit Card or Standard Chartered Credit Card (by installment only) via AlipayHK and the HKD50 coupon will be deducted automatically. Each Eligible User can redeem a maximum of 1 piece of HKD50 coupon for use throughout the Promotion Period. Coupons are valid for 3 days upon redemption. Expired Coupons are invalid and will not be re-issued. Each user can only participate in this Promotion.
3.During the Promotion Period, quota is limited in quantity and on a first-come-first-served basis. The quota of Offer available as recorded in the system of AlipayHK shall prevail under any circumstances.
4. During the Promotion Period, each user may only participate in this Promotion once and receive such limited number of Rewards / Coupons as set out in the Terms and Conditions. For participating merchants(online shops), please refer to the materials displayed in the stores.
5. The Coupons may not be used for remittance, topping up, sending of Lucky Money or transfers (including P2P). For the avoidance of doubt, the Coupons are not applicable to bill payment transactions made for tutoring, learning and training, charity and insurance.
6. Upon successful redemption of the HKD50 coupon, this will be disbursed to the AlipayHK App account of Eligible User automatically. Coupons will be deducted automatically in applicable circumstances. The AlipayHK App must be updated to the latest version. Users may go to the “Home” page and select “Reward” to read details of the respective Coupons. AlipayHK shall bear no liability if users cannot perform a successful redemption of the relevant rewards and/or the relevant reward is lost due to any circumstances.
7. Where applicable, the Coupons issued under this Promotion are Basic Rewards. Only one (1) Coupon may be used in each transaction, depending on the applicable circumstances. The usage priority of Coupon is as follows:
(i) Basic Rewards may be used in conjunction with one (1) Priority Reward (including User Special Reward), but Priority Reward shall have priority in usage. If there are more than one Priority Reward in the user’s AlipayHK account, the Priority Reward with the highest value will be used first. In case the Priority Rewards are of the same value, the one with the earliest expiry date will be used. If the expiry dates of the Priority Rewards are the same, the Priority Reward with the earliest redemption date will be used first.
(ii) One (1) Priority Reward may be used in conjunction with one (1) Basic Reward (including welcome rewards, designated merchant e-stamp coupons, Platform General Coupons, Government Consumption Vouchers and Limited Payment Method coupons) or Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons) (including rewards for referring existing users) in applicable circumstances. If the user does not have any Accumulative Basic Rewards, and there are various kinds of Basic Rewards in the user’s account, Platform General Coupons shall have priority in usage, Government Consumption Vouchers second and Limited Payment Method Coupons shall have last priority. If the user has more than one kind of Basic Reward in its AlipayHK account, the Basic Reward with the highest value will be used first. In case the Basic Rewards are of the same value, the one with the earliest expiry date will be used. If the expiry dates of the Basic Rewards are the same, the Basic Reward with the earliest redemption date will be used first. If the user has both Basic Reward and Accumulative Basic Reward, the priority of using such coupons will be determined by (i) the value of one (1) such Basic Reward (highest value) and (ii) the aggregate value of the Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons), and the coupon(s) with the highest value between (i) and (ii) will be used first. In case of same value between (i) and (ii), Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons) will be used.
(iii) The use of different types of coupons are subject to their respective terms and conditions. The actual payment page shall prevail.
(iv) If an Eligible User wishes to use the Coupon(s) issued under this Promotion in a transaction, the net amount of the relevant transaction after deducting the amount of all applicable reward(s) and discounts shall not be less than HK$1, otherwise the Coupons(s) are not applicable to be used in such transaction.
8. If there is any breach of the Terms and Conditions or illegal, fraudulent or abusive behavior during the use of any Coupons/Rewards, we will forfeit such user’s eligibility and entitlement of Coupons/Rewards forthwith without notice, we reserve the right to cancel such transaction and to take legal action against the relevant user.
9. Unless specified otherwise, Coupons/Rewards cannot be used to purchase cash vouchers, gift vouchers, or prepaid cards. They are also non-exchangeable for cash and non-transferable. For goods return or refund, the amount on the Coupons will not be returned and the relevant Coupon will not be re-issued.
10. This Promotion will be carried out in accordance with applicable laws in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In the event this Promotion is stopped by government agency’s orders or must be suspended due to server network attack or system failure or any circumstances beyond our control, such event shall be regarded as a force majeure event, and we shall not be held liable for any damage, loss or dispute therein.
11. We shall not be liable or construed as providing any guarantee as to the quality and availability of the products and/or service provided by merchants.
12. We reserve the right to change, suspend or terminate the Promotion or the Terms and Conditions at its sole discretion without prior notice. We shall not be liable for any such change, suspension or termination and reserves the right of final decision of all the matters and disputes.
13. For any enquiries in relation to Ant Bank services or offers, please call the Ant Bank customer service hotline at 2325 0303. For any enquiries in relation to AlipayHK App and its services or offers, please call the AlipayHK customer service hotline at 2245 3201.
14. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
15. Should there be any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and the Chinese versions of the Terms and Conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

2024年立減活動(只限線上):500減25 獎賞(「本推廣」)之條款及細則︰

1. 「2024年線上活動:500減25 獎賞」之推廣期為2024年4月1日至2024年4月30日 (包括首尾兩天) (「推廣期」)。
2. 在推廣期內, AlipayHK用戶於指定受理平台線上或商戶先掃碼領券,及單次付款淨值滿港幣500元或以上,可使用該港幣25元禮券一張並立減港幣25元。每位合資格客戶於推廣期內最多可使用港幣25元禮券1張。每張禮券只限換領後3日內適用,逾期失效並不獲補發。每位用戶於推廣期内只可換領1次。
3.於推廣期内,每日優惠名額先到先得,額滿即止。在任何情況下以AlipayHK APP的紀錄為準。優惠須視乎AlipayHK平台所反映的優惠名額使用情況而定。
5. 禮券不適用於透過AlipayHK應用程式作匯款、增值、派利是或轉賬(包括P2P)。未免疑慮,禮券不適用於任何補習、進修或訓練及/或慈善及/或保險繳費交易。
6. 成功獲得港幣25元禮券後,禮券則會在適用情況下經系統自動扣減。用戶須將AlipayHK 應用程式更新至最新版本,於AlipayHK 應用程式「首頁」點選「獎賞」,即可查看有關獎賞之詳情。AlipayHK於任何情況下均不會對用戶未能成功領取有關獎賞及/或遺失有關獎賞而負上任何責任。
7. 於適當情況下,本推廣下的禮券為基本獎賞。因應適用情況,每次交易僅限使用一張禮券。消費時禮券的使用次序如下:(i)基本獎賞可與一張優先獎賞(包括用戶特別獎賞)同時使用,但優先獎賞之使用為優先。如用戶賬戶內有多於一張優先獎賞,面額最大者優先使用。面額相同時,則最早到期者優先使用。禮券到期日相同時,則最早 領取的優先獎賞優先使用。(ii)於適當情況下,一張優先獎賞可與一張基本獎賞(包括迎新禮券、指定商戶印花禮券、平台通用禮券、政府消費券及限定付款方式禮券等)或可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)(包括推薦現有用戶獎賞)同時使用。在沒有任何可累積基本獎賞情況下,如賬戶內具備不同種類的基本獎賞,核銷先後順序為平台通用禮券優先,政府消費券次之,限定付款方式禮券最後核銷。如果用戶在賬戶裡有多於一張同種類的基本獎賞,金額最大的一張基本獎賞優先使用。面額相同時,則最早到期者優先使用。到期日相同時,則最早領取的基本獎賞優先使用。如用戶同時有基本獎賞及可累積基本獎賞,面額最大的一張基本獎賞及可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)中金額較大者先被使用。如一張基本獎賞與可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)的面額相同時,可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)優先使用。(iii) 各種禮券的使用方式受其相關條款及細則約束。禮券核銷一切以實際付款頁面為準。(iv) 如用戶要使用本推廣下的禮券,相關交易經扣減所有適用獎賞及優惠後的淨消費金额不得少於港幣1元,否則該獎賞將不適用於該交易。
8. 在禮券/獎賞的使用過程中,如果出現違反本條款及細則、違法、欺詐或濫用行為,我方將取消該用戶的優惠資格或其所獲之禮券/獎賞而毋須另行通知,並有權撤銷任何涉及違規行為的交易及向有關用戶追討損失。
9. 除非條款及細則另有説明,禮券/獎賞不可用於購買商戶現金券/禮券、預付卡、兌換現金及不可轉讓。如需退貨或退款,禮券所對應的金額將不作為退款款項,而相關禮券將不獲補發。
10. 本推廣將依香港特別行政區法例進行,如本推廣活動因受政府機關指令、遭受嚴重網絡攻擊、系統故障或因其他於我方控制外的情況,而無法順利進行,此種情況為不可抗力。我方毋須為因不可抗力造成的損害、損失、糾紛承擔任何責任。
11. 我方對商戶提供之產品及服務質素及供應量恕不負責。
12. 我方保留毋須事先通知的情況下更改、暫停或取消本推廣或修訂其條款及細則之酌情權, 我方恕不就任何更改、暫停或取消承擔任何責任,並對所有事宜及爭議保留最終決定權。
13. 如對上述有關螞蟻銀行及其服務或優惠的使用方法及詳情有任何問題,請致電螞蟻銀行客戶服務熱線2325 0303查詢。如對上述有關AlipayHK及其服務或優惠的使用方法及詳情有任何問題,請致電AlipayHK客戶服務熱線2245 3201查詢。
14. 本條款及細則受香港特別行政區法律規管,並按其詮釋。
15. 如本條款及細則的中、英文版有所差異,一概以中文版為準。

2024: Instalment 500-25 Online Reward (Only at Online Shop) Terms & Conditions
1. The“2024: 500-25 Online Reward” (“Promotion”) runs from 1 April 2024 to 30 April 2024 (both dates inclusive) (“Promotion Period”).
2. During the Promotion Period, all AlipayHK users can use the AlipayHK mobile app (“AlipayHK App”) to scan the QR code displayed on the designated marketing material upon a single net of HK$500 or above via AlipayHK APP after redeeming all applicable rewards and in accordance with Clause 5 below. Only one (1) HKD25 Coupon can be collected each month throughout the Promotion Period. Coupons are valid for 3 days upon redemption. Expired Coupons are invalid and will not be re-issued. Each user can only participate in this Promotion.
3.During the Promotion Period, quota is limited in quantity and on a first-come-first-served basis. The quota of Offer available as recorded in the system of AlipayHK shall prevail under any circumstances.
4. During the Promotion Period, each user may only participate in this Promotion once and receive such limited number of Rewards / Coupons as set out in the Terms and Conditions. For participating merchants (online shops), please refer to the materials displayed in the stores.
5. The Coupons may not be used for remittance, topping up, sending of Lucky Money or transfers (including P2P). For the avoidance of doubt, the Coupons are not applicable to bill payment transactions made for tutoring, learning and training, charity and insurance.
6. Upon successful redemption of the HKD25 coupon, this will be disbursed to the AlipayHK App account of Eligible User automatically. Coupons will be deducted automatically in applicable circumstances. The AlipayHK App must be updated to the latest version. Users may go to the “Home” page and select “Reward” to read details of the respective Coupons. AlipayHK shall bear no liability if users cannot perform a successful redemption of the relevant rewards and/or the relevant reward is lost due to any circumstances.
7. Where applicable, the Coupons issued under this Promotion are Basic Rewards. Only one (1) Coupon may be used in each transaction, depending on the applicable circumstances. The usage priority of Coupon is as follows:
(i) Basic Rewards may be used in conjunction with one (1) Priority Reward (including User Special Reward), but Priority Reward shall have priority in usage. If there are more than one Priority Reward in the user’s AlipayHK account, the Priority Reward with the highest value will be used first. In case the Priority Rewards are of the same value, the one with the earliest expiry date will be used. If the expiry dates of the Priority Rewards are the same, the Priority Reward with the earliest redemption date will be used first.
(ii) One (1) Priority Reward may be used in conjunction with one (1) Basic Reward (including welcome rewards, designated merchant e-stamp coupons, Platform General Coupons, Government Consumption Vouchers and Limited Payment Method coupons) or Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons) (including rewards for referring existing users) in applicable circumstances. If the user does not have any Accumulative Basic Rewards, and there are various kinds of Basic Rewards in the user’s account, Platform General Coupons shall have priority in usage, Government Consumption Vouchers second and Limited Payment Method Coupons shall have last priority. If the user has more than one kind of Basic Reward in its AlipayHK account, the Basic Reward with the highest value will be used first. In case the Basic Rewards are of the same value, the one with the earliest expiry date will be used. If the expiry dates of the Basic Rewards are the same, the Basic Reward with the earliest redemption date will be used first. If the user has both Basic Reward and Accumulative Basic Reward, the priority of using such coupons will be determined by (i) the value of one (1) such Basic Reward (highest value) and (ii) the aggregate value of the Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons), and the coupon(s) with the highest value between (i) and (ii) will be used first. In case of same value between (i) and (ii), Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons) will be used.
(iii) The use of different types of coupons are subject to their respective terms and conditions. The actual payment page shall prevail.
(iv) If an Eligible User wishes to use the Coupon(s) issued under this Promotion in a transaction, the net amount of the relevant transaction after deducting the amount of all applicable reward(s) and discounts shall not be less than HK$1, otherwise the Coupons(s) are not applicable to be used in such transaction.
8. If there is any breach of the Terms and Conditions or illegal, fraudulent or abusive behavior during the use of any Coupons/Rewards, we will forfeit such user’s eligibility and entitlement of Coupons/Rewards forthwith without notice, we reserve the right to cancel such transaction and to take legal action against the relevant user.
9. Unless specified otherwise, Coupons/Rewards cannot be used to purchase cash vouchers, gift vouchers, or prepaid cards. They are also non-exchangeable for cash and non-transferable. For goods return or refund, the amount on the Coupons will not be returned and the relevant Coupon will not be re-issued.
10. This Promotion will be carried out in accordance with applicable laws in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In the event this Promotion is stopped by government agency’s orders or must be suspended due to server network attack or system failure or any circumstances beyond our control, such event shall be regarded as a force majeure event, and we shall not be held liable for any damage, loss or dispute therein.
11. We shall not be liable or construed as providing any guarantee as to the quality and availability of the products and/or service provided by merchants.
12. We reserve the right to change, suspend or terminate the Promotion or the Terms and Conditions at its sole discretion without prior notice. We shall not be liable for any such change, suspension or termination and reserves the right of final decision of all the matters and disputes.
13. For any enquiries in relation to Ant Bank services or offers, please call the Ant Bank customer service hotline at 2325 0303. For any enquiries in relation to AlipayHK App and its services or offers, please call the AlipayHK customer service hotline at 2245 3201.
14. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
15. Should there be any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and the Chinese versions of the Terms and Conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

2024年分期活動(只限線上):2000減100 獎賞(「本推廣」)之條款及細則︰

1. 「2024年線上分期活動:2000減100 獎賞」之推廣期為2024年4月1日至2024年4月30日 (包括首尾兩天) (「推廣期」),在AlipayHK應用程式中的螞蟻銀行小程式已成功開通並接受Ant Bank eM+用戶或Ant Bank PayLater額度之現有Ant Bank PayLater用戶或成功綁定中銀信用卡/渣打信用卡用戶(「合資格客戶」), 在推廣期間可進入本推廣指定活動頁面,參與領券活動。
2. 在推廣期內,合資格用戶透過AlipayHK 使用Ant Bank eM+或Ant Bank PayLater或中銀信用卡或渣打信用卡分期於指定受理平台線上或商戶線上先掃碼領券,及單次付款淨值滿港幣2000元或以上,可使用該港幣100元禮券一張並立減港幣100元。每位合資格客戶於推廣期內最多可使用港幣100元禮券1張。每張禮券只限換領後3日內適用,逾期失效並不獲補發。每位用戶於推廣期内只可換領1次。
3.於推廣期内,每日優惠名額先到先得,額滿即止。在任何情況下以AlipayHK APP的紀錄為準。優惠須視乎AlipayHK平台所反映的優惠名額使用情況而定。
5. 禮券不適用於透過AlipayHK應用程式作匯款、增值、派利是或轉賬(包括P2P)。未免疑慮,禮券不適用於任何補習、進修或訓練及/或慈善及/或保險繳費交易。
6. 成功獲得港幣100元禮券後,禮券則會在適用情況下經系統自動扣減。用戶須將AlipayHK 應用程式更新至最新版本,於AlipayHK 應用程式「首頁」點選「獎賞」,即可查看有關獎賞之詳情。AlipayHK於任何情況下均不會對用戶未能成功領取有關獎賞及/或遺失有關獎賞而負上任何責任。
7. 於適當情況下,本推廣下的禮券為基本獎賞。因應適用情況,每次交易僅限使用一張禮券。消費時禮券的使用次序如下:(i)基本獎賞可與一張優先獎賞(包括用戶特別獎賞)同時使用,但優先獎賞之使用為優先。如用戶賬戶內有多於一張優先獎賞,面額最大者優先使用。面額相同時,則最早到期者優先使用。禮券到期日相同時,則最早 領取的優先獎賞優先使用。(ii)於適當情況下,一張優先獎賞可與一張基本獎賞(包括迎新禮券、指定商戶印花禮券、平台通用禮券、政府消費券及限定付款方式禮券等)或可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)(包括推薦現有用戶獎賞)同時使用。在沒有任何可累積基本獎賞情況下,如賬戶內具備不同種類的基本獎賞,核銷先後順序為平台通用禮券優先,政府消費券次之,限定付款方式禮券最後核銷。如果用戶在賬戶裡有多於一張同種類的基本獎賞,金額最大的一張基本獎賞優先使用。面額相同時,則最早到期者優先使用。到期日相同時,則最早領取的基本獎賞優先使用。如用戶同時有基本獎賞及可累積基本獎賞,面額最大的一張基本獎賞及可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)中金額較大者先被使用。如一張基本獎賞與可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)的面額相同時,可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)優先使用。(iii) 各種禮券的使用方式受其相關條款及細則約束。禮券核銷一切以實際付款頁面為準。(iv) 如用戶要使用本推廣下的禮券,相關交易經扣減所有適用獎賞及優惠後的淨消費金额不得少於港幣1元,否則該獎賞將不適用於該交易。
8. 在禮券/獎賞的使用過程中,如果出現違反本條款及細則、違法、欺詐或濫用行為,我方將取消該用戶的優惠資格或其所獲之禮券/獎賞而毋須另行通知,並有權撤銷任何涉及違規行為的交易及向有關用戶追討損失。
9. 除非條款及細則另有説明,禮券/獎賞不可用於購買商戶現金券/禮券、預付卡、兌換現金及不可轉讓。如需退貨或退款,禮券所對應的金額將不作為退款款項,而相關禮券將不獲補發。
10. 本推廣將依香港特別行政區法例進行,如本推廣活動因受政府機關指令、遭受嚴重網絡攻擊、系統故障或因其他於我方控制外的情況,而無法順利進行,此種情況為不可抗力。我方毋須為因不可抗力造成的損害、損失、糾紛承擔任何責任。
11. 我方對商戶提供之產品及服務質素及供應量恕不負責。
12. 我方保留毋須事先通知的情況下更改、暫停或取消本推廣或修訂其條款及細則之酌情權, 我方恕不就任何更改、暫停或取消承擔任何責任,並對所有事宜及爭議保留最終決定權。
13. 如對上述有關螞蟻銀行及其服務或優惠的使用方法及詳情有任何問題,請致電螞蟻銀行客戶服務熱線2325 0303查詢。如對上述有關AlipayHK及其服務或優惠的使用方法及詳情有任何問題,請致電AlipayHK客戶服務熱線2245 3201查詢。
14. 本條款及細則受香港特別行政區法律規管,並按其詮釋。
15. 如本條款及細則的中、英文版有所差異,一概以中文版為準。

2024: Instalment 2000-100 Online Reward (Only at Online Shop) Terms & Conditions
1. The“2024: Instalment 2000-100 Online Reward” (“Promotion”) runs from 1 April 2024 to 30 April 2024 (both dates inclusive) (“Promotion Period”). The promotion is only applicable for use by users who have successfully applied for and accepted the credit limit in Ant Bank eM+/Ant Bank PayLater or successfully bound BOC/ Standard Chartered Credit Card in AlipayHK (“Eligible Users”). During the promotion, eligible users can enter the designated page to collect one (1) HKD100 coupon.
2. During the Promotion Period, such HKD100 coupon may be used by an Eligible User upon a single net spending of HKD2000 or above with Ant Bank eM+/ Ant Bank PayLater or BOC Credit Card or Standard Chartered Credit Card (by installment only) via AlipayHK and the HKD100 coupon will be deducted automatically. Each Eligible User can redeem a maximum of 1 piece of HKD100 coupon for use throughout the Promotion Period. Coupons are valid for 3 days upon redemption. Expired Coupons are invalid and will not be re-issued. Each user can only participate in this Promotion.
3.During the Promotion Period, quota is limited in quantity and on a first-come-first-served basis. The quota of Offer available as recorded in the system of AlipayHK shall prevail under any circumstances.
4. During the Promotion Period, each user may only participate in this Promotion once and receive such limited number of Rewards / Coupons as set out in the Terms and Conditions. For participating merchants(online shops), please refer to the materials displayed in the stores.
5. The Coupons may not be used for remittance, topping up, sending of Lucky Money or transfers (including P2P). For the avoidance of doubt, the Coupons are not applicable to bill payment transactions made for tutoring, learning and training, charity and insurance.
6. Upon successful redemption of the HKD100 coupon, this will be disbursed to the AlipayHK App account of Eligible User automatically. Coupons will be deducted automatically in applicable circumstances. The AlipayHK App must be updated to the latest version. Users may go to the “Home” page and select “Reward” to read details of the respective Coupons. AlipayHK shall bear no liability if users cannot perform a successful redemption of the relevant rewards and/or the relevant reward is lost due to any circumstances.
7. Where applicable, the Coupons issued under this Promotion are Basic Rewards. Only one (1) Coupon may be used in each transaction, depending on the applicable circumstances. The usage priority of Coupon is as follows:
(i) Basic Rewards may be used in conjunction with one (1) Priority Reward (including User Special Reward), but Priority Reward shall have priority in usage. If there are more than one Priority Reward in the user’s AlipayHK account, the Priority Reward with the highest value will be used first. In case the Priority Rewards are of the same value, the one with the earliest expiry date will be used. If the expiry dates of the Priority Rewards are the same, the Priority Reward with the earliest redemption date will be used first.
(ii) One (1) Priority Reward may be used in conjunction with one (1) Basic Reward (including welcome rewards, designated merchant e-stamp coupons, Platform General Coupons, Government Consumption Vouchers and Limited Payment Method coupons) or Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons) (including rewards for referring existing users) in applicable circumstances. If the user does not have any Accumulative Basic Rewards, and there are various kinds of Basic Rewards in the user’s account, Platform General Coupons shall have priority in usage, Government Consumption Vouchers second and Limited Payment Method Coupons shall have last priority. If the user has more than one kind of Basic Reward in its AlipayHK account, the Basic Reward with the highest value will be used first. In case the Basic Rewards are of the same value, the one with the earliest expiry date will be used. If the expiry dates of the Basic Rewards are the same, the Basic Reward with the earliest redemption date will be used first. If the user has both Basic Reward and Accumulative Basic Reward, the priority of using such coupons will be determined by (i) the value of one (1) such Basic Reward (highest value) and (ii) the aggregate value of the Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons), and the coupon(s) with the highest value between (i) and (ii) will be used first. In case of same value between (i) and (ii), Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons) will be used.
(iii) The use of different types of coupons are subject to their respective terms and conditions. The actual payment page shall prevail.
(iv) If an Eligible User wishes to use the Coupon(s) issued under this Promotion in a transaction, the net amount of the relevant transaction after deducting the amount of all applicable reward(s) and discounts shall not be less than HK$1, otherwise the Coupons(s) are not applicable to be used in such transaction.
8. If there is any breach of the Terms and Conditions or illegal, fraudulent or abusive behavior during the use of any Coupons/Rewards, we will forfeit such user’s eligibility and entitlement of Coupons/Rewards forthwith without notice, we reserve the right to cancel such transaction and to take legal action against the relevant user.
9. Unless specified otherwise, Coupons/Rewards cannot be used to purchase cash vouchers, gift vouchers, or prepaid cards. They are also non-exchangeable for cash and non-transferable. For goods return or refund, the amount on the Coupons will not be returned and the relevant Coupon will not be re-issued.
10. This Promotion will be carried out in accordance with applicable laws in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In the event this Promotion is stopped by government agency’s orders or must be suspended due to server network attack or system failure or any circumstances beyond our control, such event shall be regarded as a force majeure event, and we shall not be held liable for any damage, loss or dispute therein.
11. We shall not be liable or construed as providing any guarantee as to the quality and availability of the products and/or service provided by merchants.
12. We reserve the right to change, suspend or terminate the Promotion or the Terms and Conditions at its sole discretion without prior notice. We shall not be liable for any such change, suspension or termination and reserves the right of final decision of all the matters and disputes.
13. For any enquiries in relation to Ant Bank services or offers, please call the Ant Bank customer service hotline at 2325 0303. For any enquiries in relation to AlipayHK App and its services or offers, please call the AlipayHK customer service hotline at 2245 3201.
14. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
15. Should there be any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and the Chinese versions of the Terms and Conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

2024年分期活動(只限線上):$888減$68 獎賞(「本推廣」)之條款及細則︰

1. 「2024年線上分期活動:$888減 $68 獎賞」之推廣期為2024年4月1日至2024年4月30日 (包括首尾兩天) (「推廣期」),在AlipayHK應用程式中的螞蟻銀行小程式已成功開通並接受Ant Bank PayLater額度之現有Ant Bank PayLater用戶或成功綁定中銀信用卡/渣打信用卡用戶(「合資格客戶」), 在推廣期間於指定受理平台線上或線上商戶使用分期服務消費滿1000元,可透過推送信息進入本推廣指定活動頁面,參與領券活動。
2. 在推廣期內,合資格用戶透過AlipayHK 使用Ant Bank eM+或Ant Bank PayLater或中銀信用卡或渣打信用卡分期於指定受理平台線上或商戶線上先掃碼領券,及單次付款淨值滿港幣888元或以上,可使用該港幣68元禮券一張並立減港幣68元。每位合資格客戶於推廣期內最多可使用港幣68元禮券1張。每張禮券只限換領後3日內適用,逾期失效並不獲補發。每位用戶於推廣期内只可換領1次。
3.於推廣期内,每日優惠名額先到先得,額滿即止。在任何情況下以AlipayHK APP的紀錄為準。優惠須視乎AlipayHK平台所反映的優惠名額使用情況而定。
5. 禮券不適用於透過AlipayHK應用程式作匯款、增值、派利是或轉賬(包括P2P)。未免疑慮,禮券不適用於任何補習、進修或訓練及/或慈善及/或保險繳費交易。
6. 成功獲得港幣68元禮券後,禮券則會在適用情況下經系統自動扣減。用戶須將AlipayHK 應用程式更新至最新版本,於AlipayHK 應用程式「首頁」點選「獎賞」,即可查看有關獎賞之詳情。AlipayHK於任何情況下均不會對用戶未能成功領取有關獎賞及/或遺失有關獎賞而負上任何責任。
7. 於適當情況下,本推廣下的禮券為基本獎賞。因應適用情況,每次交易僅限使用一張禮券。消費時禮券的使用次序如下:(i)基本獎賞可與一張優先獎賞(包括用戶特別獎賞)同時使用,但優先獎賞之使用為優先。如用戶賬戶內有多於一張優先獎賞,面額最大者優先使用。面額相同時,則最早到期者優先使用。禮券到期日相同時,則最早 領取的優先獎賞優先使用。(ii)於適當情況下,一張優先獎賞可與一張基本獎賞(包括迎新禮券、指定商戶印花禮券、平台通用禮券、政府消費券及限定付款方式禮券等)或可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)(包括推薦現有用戶獎賞)同時使用。在沒有任何可累積基本獎賞情況下,如賬戶內具備不同種類的基本獎賞,核銷先後順序為平台通用禮券優先,政府消費券次之,限定付款方式禮券最後核銷。如果用戶在賬戶裡有多於一張同種類的基本獎賞,金額最大的一張基本獎賞優先使用。面額相同時,則最早到期者優先使用。到期日相同時,則最早領取的基本獎賞優先使用。如用戶同時有基本獎賞及可累積基本獎賞,面額最大的一張基本獎賞及可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)中金額較大者先被使用。如一張基本獎賞與可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)的面額相同時,可累積基本獎賞(最多10張計)優先使用。(iii) 各種禮券的使用方式受其相關條款及細則約束。禮券核銷一切以實際付款頁面為準。(iv) 如用戶要使用本推廣下的禮券,相關交易經扣減所有適用獎賞及優惠後的淨消費金额不得少於港幣1元,否則該獎賞將不適用於該交易。
8. 在禮券/獎賞的使用過程中,如果出現違反本條款及細則、違法、欺詐或濫用行為,我方將取消該用戶的優惠資格或其所獲之禮券/獎賞而毋須另行通知,並有權撤銷任何涉及違規行為的交易及向有關用戶追討損失。
9. 除非條款及細則另有説明,禮券/獎賞不可用於購買商戶現金券/禮券、預付卡、兌換現金及不可轉讓。如需退貨或退款,禮券所對應的金額將不作為退款款項,而相關禮券將不獲補發。
10. 本推廣將依香港特別行政區法例進行,如本推廣活動因受政府機關指令、遭受嚴重網絡攻擊、系統故障或因其他於我方控制外的情況,而無法順利進行,此種情況為不可抗力。我方毋須為因不可抗力造成的損害、損失、糾紛承擔任何責任。
11. 我方對商戶提供之產品及服務質素及供應量恕不負責。
12. 我方保留毋須事先通知的情況下更改、暫停或取消本推廣或修訂其條款及細則之酌情權, 我方恕不就任何更改、暫停或取消承擔任何責任,並對所有事宜及爭議保留最終決定權。
13. 如對上述有關螞蟻銀行及其服務或優惠的使用方法及詳情有任何問題,請致電螞蟻銀行客戶服務熱線2325 0303查詢。如對上述有關AlipayHK及其服務或優惠的使用方法及詳情有任何問題,請致電AlipayHK客戶服務熱線2245 3201查詢。
14. 本條款及細則受香港特別行政區法律規管,並按其詮釋。
15. 如本條款及細則的中、英文版有所差異,一概以中文版為準。

2024: Instalment 888-68 Online Reward (Only at Online Shop) Terms & Conditions
1. The“2024: Instalment 888-68 Online Reward” (“Promotion”) runs from 1 April 2024 to 30 April 2024 (both dates inclusive) (“Promotion Period”). The promotion is only applicable for use by users who have successfully applied for and accepted the credit limit in Ant Bank PayLater or successfully bound BOC/ Standard Chartered Credit Card in AlipayHK (“Eligible Users”). During the promotion, eligible users after spending HKD 1000 with Ant Bank PayLater or successfully bound BOC/ Standard Chartered Credit Card in AlipayHK, can enter the designated page to collect one (1) HKD68 coupon.
2. During the Promotion Period, such HKD 68 coupon may be used by an Eligible User upon a single net spending of HKD888 or above with Ant Bank eM+/ Ant Bank PayLater or BOC Credit Card or Standard Chartered Credit Card (by installment only) via AlipayHK and the HKD68 coupon will be deducted automatically. Each Eligible User can redeem a maximum of 1 piece of HKD68 coupon for use throughout the Promotion Period. Coupons are valid for 3 days upon redemption. Expired Coupons are invalid and will not be re-issued. Each user can only participate in this Promotion.
3.During the Promotion Period, quota is limited in quantity and on a first-come-first-served basis. The quota of Offer available as recorded in the system of AlipayHK shall prevail under any circumstances.
4. During the Promotion Period, each user may only participate in this Promotion once and receive such limited number of Rewards / Coupons as set out in the Terms and Conditions. For participating merchants(online shops), please refer to the materials displayed in the stores.
5. The Coupons may not be used for remittance, topping up, sending of Lucky Money or transfers (including P2P). For the avoidance of doubt, the Coupons are not applicable to bill payment transactions made for tutoring, learning and training, charity and insurance.
6. Upon successful redemption of the HKD68 coupon, this will be disbursed to the AlipayHK App account of Eligible User automatically. Coupons will be deducted automatically in applicable circumstances. The AlipayHK App must be updated to the latest version. Users may go to the “Home” page and select “Reward” to read details of the respective Coupons. AlipayHK shall bear no liability if users cannot perform a successful redemption of the relevant rewards and/or the relevant reward is lost due to any circumstances.
7. Where applicable, the Coupons issued under this Promotion are Basic Rewards. Only one (1) Coupon may be used in each transaction, depending on the applicable circumstances. The usage priority of Coupon is as follows:
(i) Basic Rewards may be used in conjunction with one (1) Priority Reward (including User Special Reward), but Priority Reward shall have priority in usage. If there are more than one Priority Reward in the user’s AlipayHK account, the Priority Reward with the highest value will be used first. In case the Priority Rewards are of the same value, the one with the earliest expiry date will be used. If the expiry dates of the Priority Rewards are the same, the Priority Reward with the earliest redemption date will be used first.
(ii) One (1) Priority Reward may be used in conjunction with one (1) Basic Reward (including welcome rewards, designated merchant e-stamp coupons, Platform General Coupons, Government Consumption Vouchers and Limited Payment Method coupons) or Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons) (including rewards for referring existing users) in applicable circumstances. If the user does not have any Accumulative Basic Rewards, and there are various kinds of Basic Rewards in the user’s account, Platform General Coupons shall have priority in usage, Government Consumption Vouchers second and Limited Payment Method Coupons shall have last priority. If the user has more than one kind of Basic Reward in its AlipayHK account, the Basic Reward with the highest value will be used first. In case the Basic Rewards are of the same value, the one with the earliest expiry date will be used. If the expiry dates of the Basic Rewards are the same, the Basic Reward with the earliest redemption date will be used first. If the user has both Basic Reward and Accumulative Basic Reward, the priority of using such coupons will be determined by (i) the value of one (1) such Basic Reward (highest value) and (ii) the aggregate value of the Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons), and the coupon(s) with the highest value between (i) and (ii) will be used first. In case of same value between (i) and (ii), Accumulative Basic Reward(s) (up to ten (10) coupons) will be used.
(iii) The use of different types of coupons are subject to their respective terms and conditions. The actual payment page shall prevail.
(iv) If an Eligible User wishes to use the Coupon(s) issued under this Promotion in a transaction, the net amount of the relevant transaction after deducting the amount of all applicable reward(s) and discounts shall not be less than HK$1, otherwise the Coupons(s) are not applicable to be used in such transaction.
8. If there is any breach of the Terms and Conditions or illegal, fraudulent or abusive behavior during the use of any Coupons/Rewards, we will forfeit such user’s eligibility and entitlement of Coupons/Rewards forthwith without notice, we reserve the right to cancel such transaction and to take legal action against the relevant user.
9. Unless specified otherwise, Coupons/Rewards cannot be used to purchase cash vouchers, gift vouchers, or prepaid cards. They are also non-exchangeable for cash and non-transferable. For goods return or refund, the amount on the Coupons will not be returned and the relevant Coupon will not be re-issued.
10. This Promotion will be carried out in accordance with applicable laws in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In the event this Promotion is stopped by government agency’s orders or must be suspended due to server network attack or system failure or any circumstances beyond our control, such event shall be regarded as a force majeure event, and we shall not be held liable for any damage, loss or dispute therein.
11. We shall not be liable or construed as providing any guarantee as to the quality and availability of the products and/or service provided by merchants.
12. We reserve the right to change, suspend or terminate the Promotion or the Terms and Conditions at its sole discretion without prior notice. We shall not be liable for any such change, suspension or termination and reserves the right of final decision of all the matters and disputes.
13. For any enquiries in relation to Ant Bank services or offers, please call the Ant Bank customer service hotline at 2325 0303. For any enquiries in relation to AlipayHK App and its services or offers, please call the AlipayHK customer service hotline at 2245 3201.
14. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
15. Should there be any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and the Chinese versions of the Terms and Conditions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

『友和網店12個月分期0%手續費』一般條款及細則 :

1. 友和網店分期0%手續費之推廣期指2024年4月1日至2024年4月30日(包括首尾兩天) (「推廣期」)
2. 本推廣只適用於推廣期內,所有在AlipayHK應用程式中的螞蟻銀行小程式已成功開通並接受Ant Bank PayLater額度之現有Ant Bank PayLater用戶(「合資格客戶」),經AlipayHK App選用Ant Bank PayLater 或選用於AlipayHK App綁定的香港發行中銀信用卡/渣打信用卡於友和網店分期消費不少於HKD 500,可享12個月分期 0%手續費優惠(下稱「分期手續費豁免優惠」)。
3. 每一位用戶只可根據上述條款及細則參與本推廣,於推廣期內領取相關條款及細則所限的獎賞/禮券。為免疑慮,「每一位用戶」是指使用AlipayHK應用程式和錢包服務的、具有法律行為能力的一名自然人,而非一個AlipayHK帳號。為進一步避免爭議,在下述情形,有關帳號將被視為由同一位用戶所使用,合共只可參與本項推廣一次:
(i) 在同一部手提電話或移動設備上有關連,比如有多個帳號登錄或激活;
(ii) 若同一個帳號/手機號碼在多部手提電話或移動設備上有關連,比如登錄或激活;
(iii) 若同一張銀行卡號/信用卡號被綁定於多個AlipayHK帳號時。
4. 如果出現違反本條款及細則、違法、欺詐或濫用行為,AlipayHK將取消該用戶的優惠資格而毋須另行通知,並保留取消客戶享用分期手續費豁免優惠並於 該PayLater或信用卡直接扣除已豁免手續費等值的金額而毋須另行通知。銀行亦保留取消該信 用卡的權利,及/或採取任何其認為適當的法律行動。
5. 如本推廣活動受政府機關指令須要停止舉辦的,或者推廣活動遭受嚴重網絡攻擊或系統故障須要暫停舉辦的,則推廣活動可能無法順利進行,此種情況視為不可抗力。AlipayHK無須為因不可抗力造成的損害、損失、糾紛承擔任何責任。
6. AlipayHK對任何商戶提供之產品及服務質素及供應量恕不負責
7. AlipayHK保留在毋須事先通知的情況下更改、

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