0219-0430 Switch遊戲推薦2024
家+Club 香港驗身中心 30+男士精選體檢計劃
家+Club 香港驗身中心 30+男士精選體檢計劃
家+Club 香港驗身中心 30+男士精選體檢計劃
家+Club 香港驗身中心 30+男士精選體檢計劃
家+Club 香港驗身中心 30+男士精選體檢計劃
家+Club 香港驗身中心 30+男士精選體檢計劃
家+Club 香港驗身中心 30+男士精選體檢計劃
家+Club 香港驗身中心 30+男士精選體檢計劃
家+Club 香港驗身中心 30+男士精選體檢計劃
家+Club 香港驗身中心 30+男士精選體檢計劃
家+Club 香港驗身中心 30+男士精選體檢計劃

家+Club 香港驗身中心 30+男士精選體檢計劃

銷量 <20



HK$ 11388

節省 HK$9500

HK$ 1832

VIP 優惠

滿 $300 免運費


家+Club 香港驗身中心 30+男士精選體檢計劃

家+Club 香港驗身中心 30+男士精選體檢計劃
Family Club Plus Hong Kong Medical Services Centre 30+ Selected Healthcare Plan (Men)

香港驗身中心 Hong Kong Medical Services Centre

此計劃適合 30歲或以上男士而設, 由專業醫療團隊提供服務
Basic 76 items + lower abdominal ultrasound + testosterone + chest and lung X-ray + static ECG
This plan is suitable for men aged 30 or above and is provided by a professional medical team.

Blood test items:
Rheumatoid arthritis AR + lower abdominal cavity (anterior line, bladder)

檢查項目 Check item:

超聲波檢測: 膀胱超聲波, 前列腺超聲波
Ultrasound: Bladder ultrasound, Prostate ultrasound

荷爾蒙: 睪丸酮
Hormones: Testosterone

心臟健康: 靜卧心電圖
Heart Health: Electrocardiography (ECG)

X光: 胸肺X光
X-Ray: Chest X-Ray

基本體格資料: 身高, 體重, 血壓, 體質指標, 脈搏
Basic Body Date: Height, Weight, Systolic and Diastolic, Body Mass Index, Pulse

血紅素及紅血球指數: 紅血球計數, 血紅素, 紅血球壓積量, 紅血球平均體積, 紅血球平均血紅素, 紅血球平均血紅素濃度, 紅血球分佈寬度
Haemutology & Serology:
Haemoglobin & RBC Indices: RBC count, Haemoglobin, Hematocrit, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW

凝血問題: 血小板數目
Coagulation Problem: Platelet Count

白血球分類: 白血球計數, 嗜中性白血球, 淋巴性白血球, 單核性白血球, 嗜酸性白血球, 血抺片, 嗜鹼性白血球
Differential Count %: WBC count, Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Eosinophils, Blood Smear, Basophils 

心血管疾病: 總膽固醇, 高密度膽固醇, 低密度膽固醇(直接)
Cardiac Disease: Cholesterol, Total, HDL - Cholesterol, LDL - Cholesterol (Direct) 

血脂: 三酸甘油脂
Lipids: Triglycerides 

類風濕性關節炎: 類風濕性關飾炎因子(定性)
痛風: 尿酸
糖尿病: 血糖(空腹)
腎功能測試: 肌酸酐
肝功能測試: 谷丙轉氨酶

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Rheumatoid Factor (Qualitative)
Gout: Uric Acid 
Diabetes: Glucose (Fasting) 
Renal Function Test: Creatinine 
Liver Function Test: Alanine Aminotransferase (SGPT/ ALT)

尿液常規檢查: 顏色, 外觀, 尿膽質原, 尿紅血球, 尿膽紅素, 尿酮(定性), 尿糖, 尿蛋白, 酸鹼度, 尿亞硝酸鹽, 尿白血球, 比重
顯微鏡分析: 膿細胞計數(白血球), 表皮細胞, 結晶, 管形, 粘液, 細菌

Urine Examination:
Urine Routine: Colour, Appearance, Urobilinogen, Urine RBC, Bilirubin, Ketone (Qualitative), Urine Glucose,
Urine Protein, Urine pH, Nitrite, Leucocyte, Specific Gravity 
Microscopy: Pus Cells Count (WBC), Epithelial Cells, Crystals, Cast, Mucus, Bacteria 

顏色, 狀態, 白血球, 紅血球, 蟲蛋胞囊, 其它
大腸癌初檢: 大便隱血

Stool Routine:
Colour, Consistency, Leucocytes, R.B.C., Ova, Cysts & Parasites, Stool Others 
Cancer screening: Stool Occult Blood 

去脂體重, 體脂量, 體內總水量, 體脂百分比, 身體脂肪量, 節段性評估, 體重控制評估, 內臟脂肪指數, 身體的匹配年齡, 體重控制指引,
蛋白質, 無機鹽(礦物質), 骨骼肌, 腰臀脂肪比例, 水份比例, 營養評估, 肥胖評估, 肌肉控制, 基礎代謝, 健康評估, 脂肪控制

Body Composition Analysis:
Lean body mass, Body fat weight, Total body water, Body fat percentage, Body fat mass, Body segmental assessment,
Weight control  assessment, Visceral fat Index, Body age, Weight control guidelines, Protein, Inorganic salt
(Minerals), Skeletal muscle, Waist to hip fat ratio, Body water ratio, Nutritional assessment, Obesity assessment,
Muscle control, Basal metabolism, Health assessment, Fat control

報告: 專業人士免費報告講解
Report: Free report explanation by professional

由 香港驗身中心 出售
Sold by Hong Kong Medical Services Centre
This product is non-returnable

* 優惠券於購買日起計 90 日內有效
* 購買及預訂一經確定,不得更改,不設取消及退款。
* 請於預約前向診所查詢最新公佈的營業時間
* 每張優惠券只限一人使用
* 可購買多張優惠券跟親友分享,不限兌換量
* 此優惠不能與其他優惠或折扣同時使用
* 此優惠券只可使用一次,逾期作廢,不設找贖、不得兌換現金,不設退款及延期
* 講解醫療服務: 電話或會面只提供一次服務
* 客戶若體檢後叁個月內不提取報告,所有報告一律作銷毀處理及不會存底
* 客人需自行承擔郵寄報告之風險
* 資料及圖片由商戶提供,只供參考

* Valid for 90 days after purchase
* No change or refund after purchase and confirmation
* Limit 1 voucher per 1 pax
* No limitations on the number of vouchers purchased and redeemed
* Voucher cannot be used in conjunction with other offers / discounts
* Voucher can be used once only. Expired Voucher will be forfeited and cannot be exchanged for cash,
  refunded or extended
* Explain medical services: only one once is provided by phone or in person
* If the customer does not pick up the report within three months after the physical examination,
  all reports will be destroyed and will not be saved
* Mailing of reports is at the customer's own risk
* Information and photos are provided by merchant and for reference only

J&M Company Limited (家+Club) 只負責銷售體檢套餐,而不提供任何醫療服務。
所有醫療服務都由香港驗身中心負責,J&M Company Limited 對此不作任何類型的擔保,且不承擔任何責任。
並且 J&M Company Limited (家+Club) 保留最終決定權。
J&M Company Limited (Family Club Plus) is only responsible for selling Health Checkup plans,
and does not provide any medical services.
All medical services are provided by Hong Kong Medical Services Centre,
J&M Company Limited makes no warranties of any kind and assumes no liability for any medical services.
and J&M Company Limited (Family Club Plus) reserves the right of final decision.

星期一至五︰9:00a.m. – 6:00p.m.,
星期六:9:00a.m. – 1:00p.m.,
電話:3618 8764

Redemption location:
7F, Silvercorp International Tower, 707-713 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon
Business hours:
Monday to Friday: 9:00a.m. – 6:00p.m.,
Saturday: 9:00a.m. – 1:00p.m.,
Sunday and public holidays: closed
Tel: 3618 8764

進行健康檢查後,一般情況下,需大概7 - 14 個工作天跟進檢查報告, 工作天不包括星期六、日及公眾假期。 

自取報告時間 :
星期一至五-上午 9am - 6pm / 星期六-上午 9am to 1pm

After a healthcare plan, it usually takes about 7 - 14 working days to follow up on the examination report.
The working days do not include Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

Self-pickup report time:
Monday to Friday - 9am - 6pm / Saturday - 9am to 1pm

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